Chapter 4

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Jade's Pov.   

The Plan-

We both ran down the stairs quickly, well actually my doll ran down the stairs I nervously almost fell down them. I had to hold on to the rail for support. We went over the plan about one hundred times but I felt like I would mess it up.  I couldn't take the chance. But I still had an uneasy feeling about my new 'sister.' When we got to the bottom of the stair my mom looked up from her book. 

"Who's your friend Jade?" she said sweetly. I hesitated,

"Uhh...Umm this is...Uhh..." I got cut off.

"I'm Dolly" She nudged me with her elbow and whispered, "Remember the plan!!" I held by stomach, she was pretty strong.

"Oh yeah!" I shouted pretty loud, my mom looked over at me puzzled. I smiled and put the back of my hand on my forehead, "Oh mommy, I don't feel well...oh no." I fell into her arms dramatically. She looked down at me confused/worried.

"Whats wrong Ja.." She was cut of with me going into her body. I forgot to tell you, Dolly had explained to me what else I could do besides getting Vibes. Apparently I was half ghost, half dead, so I have all the powers ghosts have. I looked down at myself, I mean herself, I mean my mom's body. That came out wrong, Ok, I looked down at herself which was now myself.

"Wow it worked! I thought you were kidding." Dolly  looked at me smiling.

"Why would I lie to you, now just stick to the plan." her voice was angry and annoyed.

"Ok jeez...bossy" I whispered under my breath.

"Lets get started," I went into my mom's deepest thoughts and started changing her past. She didn't have just one girl she now had twins. Dolly was with her through the years when I was in the coma.

 "Alright everything is done."

"Good now get out of her so we can see if it worked." she said putting her hands on her hips.

"Don't speak to me that way I am your mother!" I giggled.

"JUST GET OUT OF HER!" she sounded unamused.

"Alright Alright." I got out quickly and ran over beside Dolly. Mom got up holding her head. Dolly pushed me to the side and I fell.

"Oh mommy are you alright, I told Jade not to play ball in the house." she shot a smile my way. I looked at her confused, had she used me? I didn't know yet. My mom gave an understanding smile.

"Oh its ok. Why don't you head to bed you have a big day in front of you Jade."  Tomorrow I was going to Casper High to take a test to see if I could skip grades or not. I was also going shopping, I hate shopping. I headed upstairs with Dolly right behind me. When we got in my room I slammed the door shut.

"What was that about!" I said waving my arms. Her face changed, she was no longer smiling, she looked like she was going to cry. 

" I.. I was just... just... I..I knew sh..she wounldn't ge...get angry at" tears started to stream down her face. "I...I'm s...s...sorry." she started to wail. I took her in my arms. I had another uneasy feeling wash over me but I dismissed it.

"Oh, no I'm sorry I just didn't know." I patted her back reassuring her. "it will be ok, after all we are sisters now." she wipped the tears from her eyes.

"Really?" I smiled down at her.

"Of course!" I hugged her tight and she started to shake in my arms. I got a weird feeling about Dolly. Was I just imaging it?

Ohhhh drama. What will happen, why is Jade getting weird feelings? Is she jealous or is she just imagining it or is it something far worse. Find out in the next chapter. Sorry that this chapter was short and boring, it will get better I promise. I'm trying to update but you know, school, homework, sleep, I don't have a lot of time on my hands.

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