Chapter 9

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Ok guys I felt like writing instead of Homework sooooooooo your welcome. :P Anyways enjoy!!!!!!

Jade's Pov-

I took a deep breath and walked into class. Mr. Lancer glared as soon as he saw me.

"So... How did you get him to let you off?" He still glared at me. I knew what to do. Here goes nothing.

"Oh Mr. Lancer How dare I treat you without any respect. I should be in detention for my harshness." I said as sadly as I could, I was playing him like a violin. Too easy.

"Hmm looks like the princable was right. I will be keeping my eye on you though Mrs. Jones. Now take your seat." 

"Yes sir!" I took my seat quickly, smiling. He turned back to the class.

"Anyway, as I was saying, Charles Dickens was a ......*blah blah I'm boring Blah blah*...." I sighed and at the corner of my eye I saw a pencil moving rapidly. I turned my head slightly, the kid next to me was drawing a picture of a cute dog. At the top of the page 'Cujo' was written in cursive. The dog was small and looked as if he was smiling. I smiled it was a very good picture. The kid with black hair looked up at me.

"May I help you?" He whispered just enough the teacher couldn't hear. I sat up straight I hadn't relized that I was hovering. I hated when people did that to me when I was sketching.

"Sorry I shouldn't have hovered like that, its just your drawing is amazing. I shouldn't have looked at it though I know I don't like when people look at my drawings." I siad shyly. He smiled.

"Its ok and thanks. Its not that good but..." I iinterrupted him.

"Are you kidding? Its sooo good, better than anything I could draw." Of course I had lied, I was a very skilled artist. When I was little someone wanted to hire me, but my mom said, no I was just a little kid. He smiled widely, was he blushing? My face felt hot, was I blushing?    "I'm Jade by the way. Jade Jones"

"Oh I'm Danny, Danny Fenton." We shook hands. Was it just me or does his last name sound familar.

"Are you new here or just new to this class?" 

"I just moved here." I smiled. looking into his icey blue eyes. Oh he was cute. No Jade no you don't need a crush not now.

"I know that must have been hard, leaving." I frowned.

"It wasn't that hard." I turned to not face him. But I saw that he had a confused expression on his face. "I would tell you but I have put it behind me." I looked up with a sad smile. He smiled back.

"If you don't want to talk about it, its fine. Its your business." he was so nice I could feel my blush going more across my face. Before I could answer a hrill voice shot across the classroom.

"Ahem. Mr. Fenton do you know the answer." Danny eyes got wide open, I knew he didn't know the answer.

"Uhh the answer is umm..." He fumbled for the words.

"The answer is Emily Dickinson." I whispered through my teeth.

"Umm is the answer Emily Dickinson?" He said still unsure. Mr. Lancer looked at him confused than changed his expression quickly.

"Right glad to see you got it. Anyway as I was saying Emily... *DING*  *DING*   Mr. Lancer was interrupted by the bell. Everyone got up and started leave. I gathered my binder and pencils when someone tapped my shoulder making me jump. I gasped and turned.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to thank you for the save. How did you know the answer?" I couldn't tell him, I didn't even know how I got the answer. I just knew, if that makes sense. Maybe it was another of my powers.

"Uhh umm I just am in to her poetry so I knew." I smiled nervously. 

"Well thanks." He waved and ran out of the class. I sighed, he's so cute. 'What have I told you NO Jade.' I walked out of the classroom and to my locker. I entered my combination and started to get my books.

"Hey Beautiful." I turned to see a brawny, blonde kid leaning against the lockers. He was giving me a stupid love sick puppy dog stare and was trying to look impressive. "So Jade do you have a boyfriend?" I looked at him with an 'are you serious face.'

"Sorry Where are my manners, Do you want one?"

"Uhh.." was this guy seriously hitting on me?

"Its ok you need time to think it over. Its cool its cool. I'll see you at lunch babe." He winked and walked away.

 "What a stupid dunce." I heard someone next to me laugh. I turned to see a goth girl.

"You got that right. I'm Sam by the way." She held out her hand.

"I'm Jade." I took her hand, shaking it as I smiled. 

"Are you new?" 

"Yeah I just moved here." I said grabbing more books out of my locker.

"Really that must have been hard."   'Why does everyone say that?' I thought to myself.

"ehh...not really." I said shrugging, she gave me a confused look.  "Its a long story and I... don't really like to talk about it." She nodded as if she understood. Then I got a bad Vibe like something bad was about to happen. I looked around. I got another Vibe it was going to happen to Sam. I waited and then I knew what was going to happen.

"LOOK OUT!" I pushed her away from the lockers and onto the ground.

"What the... why did you..." She was cut off by the whole ceiling caving in and all falling where she used to be standing. A ghost came flying through laughing, followed by the Phantom I had met a couple nights ago. They flew away out of the school.

"Phew. That was a close one." I said relieved. She looked at me with wide eyes.

"How did you...." 


"Oh looks like its time for class, gotta go see you later bye." I ran down the hall quickly to Art, before she could saw anything else. 'That was a close one, I can't tell her how I knew the ceiling would cave in. She'd think I was a weirdo. No one could know I was a halfa'

Dun Dun Dunn   Ok so you probaly knew she was a halfa by now but if you didn't, now you know.  Also other peoples povs coming soon probaly next chapter. :D PLEASE COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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