Bring A Plus One

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It was a sickeningly sweet ceremony.

Unconventional, which was to be expected with someone like my best friend, but beautiful all the same.

I can admit, there were tears in my eyes as I watched my best friend take the next step in her life, as she stood at the altar and shared those heartfelt words with the man she would see her life out with. (At least she better, or so help me, fire will rain down upon this land.)

My heart jolted as they shared their first married kiss and then made her way back down the aisle as Mr and Mrs Morgan.

We met outside with their mixture of family and friends to mingle, say our congratulations, have photos taken and then eventually disperse to make our own ways to the reception area while they drove off in a black limo ahead of us all.

I hitched a ride with one of her co-workers and boy, what an awkward ride that was.

I only knew him by name and I didn't want to think of the stories that loudmouth had told about me, so instead of talking we simply drove to the golf club with the music on the radio being the only intermission to our silence.

Upon entering the hall, I was relieved to see that he was led away from me and I was brought to a table closer to the empty head table.

It wasn't a large venue, the both of them wanting to keep the numbers scarce and the event more intimate, shared with those who meant the most to them, but that didn't make it any less breath-taking an atmosphere to get sucked in to.

Pulling out the chair, I sat down while glancing around to watch as others talked amongst themselves, some already with drinks in their hands.

The mood was jovial and laughs rang around the hall, the atmosphere was the complete opposite of my typical weekends which were spent with the horror stories I liked to listen to while wasting time with some game on my laptop.

It was a nice change of pace and made me feel oddly seasonal, like I was in a scene from a Hallmark movie, only with better characters and higher chance at a decent plot.

Who am I kidding? I've never watched a Hallmark movie in my life, what would I know?

I continued to people watch as others arrived, mingled then found their designated tables.

Surprisingly, her family was some of the last to arrive and they barely spoke to anyone as they shuffled across the room to their own table, which was larger than mine.

Did I get a table to myself?

It seemed like it, it wasn't exactly very big.

I wouldn't complain, I was never a particular fan of socialising, especially with people I don't know.

Her dad did greet people and share a few words and chuckles here or there, so at least one of them didn't look like this magnificent day was nothing but a wet Wednesday afternoon with endless rain and cars that insisted on splashing them.

I jumped as the chair across from me was pulled out and a dishevelled man in an amazingly dapper suit with wild hair dropped into the seat, taking some deep breaths.

He was instantly recognisable as Derek's best man, but that was all I knew about him.

"Hi," I said, my eyebrows raised in slight bewilderment.

He looked back at me as if he hadn't noticed that I was there, then gave me a shaky smile and a small head nod.

"Hello," he replied.

"Did you just run a marathon?"

He breathed out a laugh and shook his head, his hair flopping around adorably.

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