The Lost Girl

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A little girl was peacefully playing with her dolls. She was happy but then she saw something. It was her favorite teddy!!!. The little girl went to get her teddy and when she got close to the teddy, she didn't get the teddy it moved back. She did not all care about anything that happened; she just wanted her favorite teddy very bad bear. 

The little girl followed the teddy until she got outside, her house was very close to the woods she got scared for a bit but she wanted her teddy so bad. So she kept on following her teddy until she got her teddy she looked all around herself, she was in the woods alone with her teddy. Then she heard someone call her name over and over again. So she followed the voice that she heard and she came to a small house that was calling her name. The little girl went into the house the door *CREAKED* and it was very dark when she got into the house. but she held her teddy so tight that the teddy started to shine bright like a flashlight.

The little girl saw a lot of cool things then she saw a switch, and she stopped holding the bear tight so she could reach the switch. Then there was LIGHT!!! the little girl was happy that there was light and she doesn't have to be scared anymore. The little girl saw something else though it was bright and in a room. The little girl slowly opened the door, There was a lady "AAAHHH" said the little girl loudly. The ma'am "HEY what are you doing her get out" the lady said out loud " b..b..bu...but..I..I am...lost I'm lost'' said the little girl "help" said the little girl.

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