Part 1

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Auburn's POV
I always thought that I was a freak because everyone was afraid of me. Because of their fear it caused me to my accept who and what I was. I started to listen to music about mental health called Icon For Hire.
I would purposely starve myself and try to end my life but it never worked. I just wouldn't die, so I decided to see what I could make of this.. which brings me to now.

My parents were never home. Mom worked all day and would always head straight to her room and sleep. Dad doesn't come home really because he either stays with his buddies or his girlfriend. I was an only child, but I always wished for a younger sibling.

I go downstairs and head to the kitchen for something to eat. I knew that if I ate then I would just throw it up but I still ate anyway because I didn't want to drink blood. I knew that if I did I might go on a killing spree and I didn't want to risk it. I head straight to the fridge and open the door, " hm, what could I eat?" I say to myself. I sigh and only grab an apple knowing that when I throw it up it won't be too bad. As i head upstairs i start singing...

I don't wanna break down but I'm feeling low
Let me sink to the bottom
Air in my lungs keeping me afloat
Inside I'm still hollow
I know I'm not my thought but my thought don't know that yet
Sometimes I try to sneak up on the voice inside my head
I tried to meditate cause they told me it'll help
But the last thing I needs more time alone inside myself
I know I'm not unique
We all got broken brains
Culture recently decided being crazy is okay
And now we all can talk about it on our social feeds
Having a rough day #MentalHeathAwarenessWeek
I know that progress
We don't have to talk no more
But it leaves me wondering why we ain't said this stuff before
Like were we all crazy and we all just kept quiet
Are we on the same with what we're identifying
And if crazy's the new normal then it's not that crazy is it
Cause the word by definition means it sits outside the system
And how can we tell the difference between sick and tryna fit in and if everybody's crazy then whose supposed to fix it

I got to my room and shut the door, locking it. I sit on my bed and start to eat already feeling nauseous. By the time I finally finished the apple I ran to my bathroom immediately throwing up in the toilet.
After i was done vomiting, I flushed it down and rinsed my mouth out with water. As I looked in the mirror I noticed that I looked horrible.
"Ugh, I hate this. I hate being this...this thing" I say as I hang my head.
I always had a habit of locking my window but tonight I didn't care about it so I left it and laid on my bed holding onto a plush a old friend gave me for my birthday. He was the only one to accept me what I was. Not now that he was gone, I just couldn't handle the thought of what i am.

—— POV
I watched from a distance and saw her get sick then head to her bed. Every night I watched and took notice that she didn't lock her window like she usually does. As I got closer for the first time, I looked at her up close and she looked unusually frail and weak. 'Something is wrong with her. I wonder what?' I asked myself. I crept to the window and slowly opened it trying to not create any noise.
Once the window was open enough I could get through, I walked towards her and looked at her face closely.
" *sighs*, I'm so sorry Auburn. I wish I could've been there for you... please forgive me" I whisper hoping that she doesn't wake up. To my luck she doesn't and I move some of her hair away from her face and put a hand on her cheek. She was freezing to the touch. I knew that her not drinking blood soon would inevitably kill her. I picked her up and I carried her out the window. Once I landed on the ground unharmed I started to run towards Slender's mansion.

Once I get inside the manor I head up to my room and lay her down on the bed. She still had the plush I gave her when we were younger. Even though I had changed so much I still had the marks she made on my wrist so that I would always remember her. Truth is I never wanted to forget about her. She was everything to me.
As I continue deep in thought, I didn't notice her stirring in her sleep until I heard a feminine gasp. I snapped back into reality and saw that she only looking at me with wide green eyes.
"W-who are you?" She asks with a small stutter.
"I'm Eyeless Jack but you can either call me EJ or Jack. Your choice." I say calmly to try not to make freak out.
"Where-where am I?" Auburn questions as she looks around.
"My room. In the Slender Mansion. Can I ask you something?" She nods slowly as I walk closer to her, I wanted ask if recognized me but I know that she wouldn't because of how I look now. So I decided it best to leave it be and ask what she was.
"I... um..." she falls silent and looks down. "I'm just a freak that deserves to die. Nothing more, nothing less" she whimpers.
"I know how you feel. But why do you think that? And if you want to, you can give me hints. I'll say my answer based on the hints." I was beginning to feel bad for her all over again. The first time she told me was because of an accident that happened when I fall and was bleeding. She cried thinking that I was gonna hate her. But I loved her too much to hate her.
"I'm a creature of the night. Being that belongs to the underworld. The sun is supposed to burn our skin." She says and I smile under my mask.
"You're a vampire" I say feeling a bit happy to know that she trusted me enough to drop the hints.
"....yeah..." She says with disappointment laced in her voice.
"Well we are quite similar." I say in attempt to make her feel a bit better about it. "I'm a cannibal. I like eat kidneys." I continue. Auburn looks up at me in surprise.
"You eat kidneys?" I'm taken aback by her reaction as I was not really expecting that.
"Yea. Do you want me to explain why you're here?" I wanted her to see that I'm not gonna hurt her and that she was safe here.
"I guess so" she shrugs her shoulders and gets in a comfortable position on the bed with her back against the wall.
"I brought you here because I've been watching you for a while and saw that you were unhappy with your life. Slenderman had allowed me to go back to your house and bring you here. And Creepypastas are beings who do things for Slenderman and carry out missions that are given. Since you are a vampire, you could prove worthy enough to stay here forever, and be safe. That is only if you want to of course" I explain wanting to give her the option of leaving if she chooses to do so.

Auburn's POV
After hearing all that I think back to my time in that house. Mom always working. Dad at his buddies or girlfriends house. I only look at Jack while making a big decision.
"Alright. I'll stay. But what about my 'appetite'?" I asked kinda curious as to how I would eat.
"Well, next time I go on a kill I could bring back something to eat for you. Anything in particular?" He told me they go on missions. Is it kinda bad I knew that meant killing? Huh, oh well.
"Uh, I don't know. I haven't had blood in a long time since one of my friends- my only friend- disappeared. I was told that he moved but I couldn't find him. I assume that he is dead now, but with how things are in my life, I think he's still out there.. since then I've been in a depressed state and I still am." I don't know what came over me but I felt like I could trust Jack by explaining my past to him.
"Well until then do you want to have mine to get your strength up." I gasp and my eyes widen at what he just said.
"W-what..?" Is all I could get out from the shock of his suggestion.
"Well, I want to help you. And if by doing this is how, then along the way we could get to know each other better" hmm, when I look at it that way he does have a point.
"I.. I mean.. I guess?" I struggled to get out. Next thing Jack does is roll up him sleeve, revealing his grey skin. I don't question it since his mask is covered with a thick black tar like liquid. Jack holds his wrist in my direction and tells me to drink. Since I didn't want to lose control, I turned my head but he moved closer and said it was okay. I knew nothing about Eyeless Jack yet I felt like I was in peace, I was content, happy and safe. I placed a hand on his wrist and slowly lowered my head gently biting into it. I hear him grunt but for an odd reason he pulled me close and my back against his chest while I slowly drank from his wrist. Surprisingly his blood tasted good but I fought for control and could hear his heartbeat and his breathing. When I heard both become irregular I fought myself to stop and i pulled away I licked his wrist to clean the bite and it healed over. I sat up and looked at him and asked if he was okay. Jack nodded his head and took a deep breath.
"Did I take too much?" I wanted to know if he was actually okay.
"No, heh. For someone who hasn't fed in a long time you have control over your bloodlust." I blush a bit and thank him for the compliment.
He moves to stand up but is wobbling a bit. I stand up and grab onto his arm helping Jack keep his balance.
"We should head to Slenders office" Jack says looking at me. I nod my head and we walk out of -I'm guessing- is his room.

Okay. First chapter done. Since I'm going to be in school, applying for a job soon, and taking drawing requests and possibly selling them. I'll try to make as many chapters as I can of this story. Let me know if there is anything you guys want me to add. Characters or suggest any ideas.
Thanks guys!!

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