Part 2

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Auburn's POV

When we get to Slenders office. Jack knocks on the dark oak wood door.
"Come in" we hear a static like voice call out. Upon entering the room I'm met with a very slim faceless man sitting behind a desk. He looks up at us and motions for us to sit in the chairs in front of his desk. As we sit down, Slender 'looks' at me.

"Tell me child. What is your name?" He asks me in a calm, soothing-like voice.
"Auburn Epps, sir. Jack brought me not long ago." I reply
"Hm, what is the reason behind it?"
"I'm a vampire. But I'm also...also a-uh... a witch. Jack also brought me here for safety reasons." I explain.
"Well i don't see a problem with this-" he pauses. "But you will have to prove your worth. Tell me Miss Auburn. Can you kill?" I was slightly taken aback by his sudden question but remembered that that's what he probably does and according to Jack killing is something he has everyone do.

"That is correct child. Creepypastas such as ourselves have to kill. Killing shows who we really are. Look at it as blessing that you are what you are." My eyes widen with shock.
"You can hear my thoughts?" I was dumbstruck at what I just witnessed. But somehow kept composer.
"Of course I can. So where would you like to go for your first kill?" After Slender says that I think about dad leaving and mom not caring for her child and without knowing I growl at the thought of them.
"My parents. Dad's never home and he constantly is at either his buddies house or his girlfriends place. Mom doesn't ever care for her daughter." I think Slender knew I was going to pick them as my first kill. He nods and tells me that there is a room with anything I wanted to use while out on missions.

Slender dismisses Jack and I and we head to that room. Once we step through the door, we are met with many tools and other objects. I look at what's available and find that there is a torture kit with knives, needles, and bottles with solutions inside of them. I've always been into the whole solutions and needles. Mainly because I would make potions and store them after I make them but never had the chance to use them.
I grab the kit and turn to Jack. He holds out his hand and I grab it as we walk out the room and then the house. As we walk through the woods there is a comfortable silence between us. When we reach the house, I walk in through the front door knowing that mom won't know because she's in a deep sleep. After Jack walks in I close the door and walk to my moms room. I walk up next to her and open the bag. I pull out a needle and a bottle that read 'USED TO CAUSE LOW OXYGEN LEVELS'.

I get about 5mils of it and inject my mom with it in the neck. I smirk as she wakes up instantly and gasps for air. I back up so she can't grab onto me and grab a knife, hold her arms down and cut long ways along her arm making sure she she bleeds out. Soon she becomes too weak to move and her heartbeat slows down rapidly. For pro-caution I cut her wrists and i make sure to cut deeply too; cutting her veins. Then I cut her throat.

Jacks POV

As I watch her kill her mother, I am intrigued by her even more. The way moves without hesitation and skill like she knows her way around the body. What got me the most was that she made a perfect incision with one of the knives and cut out a kidney then handed it to me while smiling. I blush but I'm thankful I had my mask on.
"T-thanks" I stutter out.
"You're welcome. I thought why not since you helped me." She is just sweet and kind. I think I may be falling for her all over again. I took the kidney from her hand and took out a jar I had in my pocket and put inside the jar. I looked back at her and see her licking the blood from her hand.
Once she was done, Auburn had put her kit away and headed upstairs to her room. As I follow her I take notice that there aren't many pictures of her dad around. It's her and her mother-who she just killed skillfully. Auburn enters her room and walks over to a small cabinet-like thing with bottles inside it. I walk towards it to see what's inside of it.
"Those are the potions and solutions I made" Auburn calls from behind me. I turn and see she isn't even looking at me.
"For what?" I ask getting curious.
"Different things. Some are poisons, harmful liquids, harmless liquids, and some are to help me if I'm dying. They are all labeled so I don't grab the wrong one." I watch as she explained it all to me and packed her things up.
"Ah, that makes sense. Do you know if they work?" Auburn stops and sighs.
"Yea. I kinda tested them on myself..." she said slowly then went back to finish packing.
"You did what?... why?" I felt like I had to protect her and to hear that she tested on herself kind of hurt. But I had to look at something else. I'm a killer, and I had to help Auburn become a Creepypasta.
"I never actually thought about trying them out on anyone. I guess I was too caught up with what I lost to really see that I wasn't being watched and I could go out." The way she said that made it seem like she was too depressed.
"What you lost?" Now I was curious. I wanted to know what Auburn lost that put her in the depressive state. My thoughts were answered though to my surprise.
"My best friend. In case you wanted to know. He was the only one to accept me for who I was or what I am. But he disappeared a while ago and I was then depressed. I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, couldn't really do anything." It saddened me to know that I put her through so much pain when I left. I desperately wanted to tell Auburn that I'm her friend that disappeared, but I knew that I couldn't just yet. I had to wait for the right moment to tell her.

Auburn's POV
After I grabbed everything I knew I'd need, Jack and I headed out my room.
" I'm sorry for having you bring up your friend." Jack called from behind me.
"It's fine. Let's just head to my dad now." I said not really wanting to talk about it. I heard Jack sigh as we continue to the front door, existing the house. After we walked off the birch wood steps, my eyes glowed red, and I snapped my fingers igniting the house in large flames. As I turned away I tightened my grip on my my bags and felt my lips curl into a smirk.
"You know, I never woulda thought that being a killer was so much fun~, but now I see it." I pause and start giggling a bit, "it's quite entertaining and enjoyable." Soon I felt my giggles turn into full fits of laughter but I know that I wasn't losing my mind ever though it looked as if I was.

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