the flashback

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I'm outside with Snape chasing butterflies while he's on the phone with someone

Snape isn't my real dad but he takes care of me since my real parents died..

I trip but before I hit the ground a snake coils my arms and pulls me back up but when I look for it it's gone

I run to snape and hugs his leg and giggle when he looks down and chuckle

I miss my mommy and daddy but I love snape like my own dad

"Swape" I say and giggle while clapping my hands

He smiles and picks me up "that's right little one"

(End of flashback)

I shoot up out of bed "what was that!"

"Y/n are you ok??"

Draco was beside my bed and he was in a green t-shirt and black plaid pj pants

"Y-yeah I'm fine just had a, nightmare?"

He smiled and walked towards the door but looked back

"You should probably not leave ur diaries unlocked" he says winking then walking out

I see MY diary on the ground open to the page I. Called. THE. Draco. Malfoy. HOT

(A/n hey is this good so far also thx to the people that read this and enjoy my stories even tho I don't post much)

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