The Snake

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U quickly got dressed and did ur hair into two dutch braids and grabbed ur wand

(Picture of wand above)

U ran down to the comman room and saw something slither by but u ignored it

When u got down to the great hall u were very curious

"Hey Draco is there a pet in hogwarts like a snake?" U asked sitting next to him

"No but Snape wants one" he said breaking eye contact with Harry

"Hmm strange.."

"Is there anything wrong y/n?" Draco looked so warming but u can't tell him

"Everythings wrong with that chosen child of a mudblood" pansy spat laughing

"IM NOT A MUDBLOOD" u scream pointing ur wand at pansy causing everyone to look at u

"AHHHHH HELP SHE'S TRYING TO HEX ME" Pansy screamed acting poorly

"Y/N NO" Draco looked at me

when I put my wand down,I punched pansy in the face, then I stormed off to the Gryffindor table

Draco yelled after me "Y/N WHERE ARE U GOING?!??!!!?!"

I looked bk with tears filling my eyes


My words went through the hall and everyone was whispering. A few were even crying..

I gave harry a picture of mom, dad, and me and then I have him the same picture but instead of me it was him

I saw tears on his face but I ran out and knew people were following

I grabbed my pictures like his and put them in first

"Y/n" I turn around and see snape with some kids behind him

"I don't belong here" I had tears all over

"You belong here more than everyone here" Snape said calmly but u could see tears in his eyes

"I don't feel like it, people hate me" I say about to pack up my clothes

Snape grabs my arm

"Not much hate u, don't let those who do get to u" he says putting my stuff back

Everyone leaves except draco

I then run up to him crying and I hug him tightly

To my surprise he hugged back

"Your amazing and anyone who disagrees is just jealous of u and they want to get to u so if u dont show them it effects u then they'll stop" he says calmly in one breath

I softly nod burying my head in his chest

(CaUSe DaMn tHAt BiSH TaLl)

We lay down on the couch just talking about random shit until I fall asleep

He looks up seeing the (GoLDeN) trouble trio

"What do y'all want this is the SLYTHERIN comman room" draco fusses softly

(Is it possible to fuss softly??? Idk XD                        ok I'll stop now)

Ron rolled his eyes "we're here to convince her to not leave" he said annoyed

"To late me and snape already did that" he smirks stroking ur hair

Harry gets mad "get ur hands off my sister malfoy!!!!"

(DaMN wHy sO AnGY)

(Sorry I had to XD)

"Potter ur sister is asleep and we need to let her since she lost it a couple days"

"Let's just leave guys" hermione said turning around

"NO" both the boys were yelling

I woke up groaning cuddling up to draco

He smiled down at me and whispers "sorry teddy bear the trio came over"

I look at them and smile slightly

Ron was about to slap me but draco blocked me

"Fucking weasley" he huffed

I then punch Ron

"You fucking bitch I've tried to be nice to u but you've been a fucking asshole ever since I was sorted into Slytherin when Harry was supposed to be Slytherin to" I told ron

then we all heard the slithering again

Draco looks around "what the fuck!!!"

Everyone looks down and there's a snake crawling up ur leg

At that moment you started speaking parstletounge

The Snake soon was on u arm as y'all were walking to snapes

"Professor Snape" I said walking into potions 

"Y/n why're u here?" He said looking up

"Me, ron, hermione, harry, and draco found a snake in the slytherin comman room" I said walking towards him

I watched as he just thought for awhile and he finally spoke up "we don't have a pet snake"

"That's what draco told me" I say sitting next to him

"Hmm this is interesting" he says taking hold of the snake

I just nod agreeing with him

"You go to breakfast I'll see why it is here" he smiles softly

I smile back "ok"

I then run to draco so I can tell him what happened

Is this a sign of danger?

Or greatness

      Hi thanks for the reads and I just wanna say HAPPY NEW YEARS 2020 is officially over an it's now 2021 thanks for everyone who stuck with me this year and I hope 2021 is an amazing year to all that suffered 2020 and imma try and post everyday please be patient luv u hogwarts babies and once again happy new years and happy bday to all who has upcoming bdays stay safe and have an amazing year 💓💓💓💓)


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