Chapter 4

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For exactly two days I was able to not stalk, her  I said you can call me crazy already. I found out she went to Hawaii for two weeks. So my crazy ass, booked my jet for the day to take to Hawaii.

Plus I think my crew needed some down time. Luca Sat beside  me on the jet typing away ,at his phone every few minutes. Luca was my bestfriend from child hood, so he gets away with a lot more shit than everyone else. I know my life is in good hands with him.

Luca took a picture of Z before , she left her job's parking lot. She looked so good the curves, of her body seemed more filled out.

The captain turned on the fasten seat sign. We all complied. I was glad and ready to get off, this fucking jet. When the plane came to a complete stop, the Stuart's opened the door. I had my own private air strip on my property ,here in Hawaii. Along with my private beach house.

The drive to the house was only eight minutes. I wanted to shower and eat, before trying to stalk Z.

Luca's voice brought me out of my thoughts, "Milo she is staying at a bungalow about 15miles down,the coast line."

"I'll have a few of the guys follow her here."

"Alright then Luca let me shower first, and then I want to take a tour down the beach."

I had that the quickest shower of my life, shit I was ready to peacock my shit if I had to. Once everything was in order ,I made my way to the awaiting car.

We arrived near the beach area where ,her bungalow was. I didn't have to look very hard for her.  She was laid out on the porch, on a sun chair. My God I felt my dick twitch looking at her plump ass ,laying face down.

"How do you wanna play this boss, nice and smooth ,or just straightforward and ruff."

"Straightforward I'm already feeling quite ,stalker-ish."

"Aww fuck we are going to jail,it's to hot here to be in jail Milo."

"We are not going to jail idiot, I got this."

Luca gave me an unsure look, but then his eyes grew like saucers. I looked, over to see Z leaning on the rail looking directly at me.

"So are you two Dick heads, done bickering or, are you gonna man up and actually speak to me Milo."

I must have looked lost in the sauce, because she smirked at me .Before making her way down to the sand.

"Milo I work in computer technology, I figured, out that you where searching for me. My only question is how much do you know , which can't be much. All the information your tech team has recovered ,has been bread crumbs I left out there."

I was lost for fucking words, all this damn crazy ass shit for nothing. She knew who I was this whole time.

"Come in I have someone for you to meet Milo."

Luca and I followed closely behind her, of course he was the first to break the awkward moment.

"Damn she got ass for days."

"Shut the fuck Luca ,not now."

"Now Milo I need you to understand ,that I didn't know who you were at first. Up until about a year ago, so please try to understand."

"Hey Z do you wanna cook ,or do take....., well okay  I see."

Her friend said . Before excusing her self.

"Have a seat and Milo I swear to the holy heavens if you overreact, I will put a restraining order on your ass."

Who the fuck did she think she was talking , to I'll fuck that pretty little mouth of hers upside down.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2021 ⏰

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