Report 3 - Difficulties of Investigation

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Extended progress report from SA Petersen, for the eyes of EAD of Criminal Investigations, Anne Frost.

The following marks a significant gap into my investigation into the Daleford incident. Information has been scarce. I have included the further autopsy reports, although the significance to our investigation is questionable at best. At this stage, it is believed that there is enough evidence to support a full manhunt for the potential One of Four candidate identified in Daleford. Given the previous incident regarding the Driftwood Operation, it is likely that the other individuals have begun to surface. The Voluntas Caelestis would be remiss to discount such a significant lead, however tenuous, in such times. A copy of the attached report has been included, pending submission to the American Chapter of the Voluntas Caelestis.

Yours in faith, SA Petersen.

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