intro to the conductor?

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{yo peeps add this story to your library I'm updating soon}

a little about my music taste just so you know what you're dealing with, what you're getting your hands dirty in if you may.

it's fabulous.

the end.

just kidding, there's a lot more to my music than being absolutely fabulicious.

and no, I'm not gonna give the whole "omg music saved my life!!" speech because we all know that's the corniest, stupidest thing you could ever possibly say.

because let's be real here, if I wanna save myself, I will, it's literally all in your hands so stop being melodramatic and get over yourself.

(oh yeah did I forget to mention I'll occasionally be ranting about music here, all good stuff don't worry)

so basically my music taste started out as soft and now it's getting tougher, more hardcore if you will. so like rock, grunge, occasionally a bit of metal (that's a lie, "a bit" is very misleading) and indie rock. oh and the slightest, teensiest, weensiest bit of pop. not solidly pop because barf-in-my-mouth, pop rock.

I also tend to go off on tangents a lot, I say words like so and like a lot, anddddd I'm a grammar nazi (funny huh I'm not capitalizing any of my words).

literally though, if you can't spell take like 62828283739383 steps back away from me. (also if you can't tell the difference between their, there and they're or your and you're.)

••••••some of my interests:••••••••
- eyebrows (if anyone I know is reading this pls don't laugh)
- lana del BAE (this book is about bands I'm so sad I can't write about her, if people like 20 bands I might do a 20 artists one)
- art
- fruit
- sleep (I'm in a committed relationship with my bed)
- books
- coffee (hazelnut light & sweet pls)
- cooking/baking
- old bands (as well as new)
- vintage
- ice cream
- chinese food
- drawing (even though I suck at it lol)
- cold/cold weather
-dark rooms/dark nights
- people nicely dressed??
- nice smells
- my journal
- the word "cathartic"
- color-dyed hair
- scene/grunge

this is going to get pretty lengthy so imma just stop here. (also forgot to mention this is going to be an all lowercase book.) hope that was good enough of an intro, you'll definitely learn more about me in upcoming band chapters. I really think you guys are gonna enjoy this book just as much as I am, I actually got this idea last night lounging around and thought it would be cool.


20 Bands, Which one is yours?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ