Creepy 2 Sentences Stories

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I'm staring in the mirror when my reflection suddenly smiles, turns, and walks out of the reflected door of my bedroom. I turned around and am confronted by endless darkness.

I smile, watching my wife and son play on our bed. I still can't believe it's been 3 years since I lost them.

I always thought my cat had a staring problem, she always seemed fixated on my face. Until one day, when I realized that she was always looking just behind me.

I awoke to the sound of the baby monitor crackling with a voice comforting my firstborn child. As I adjusted to a new position, my arm brushed against my wife, sleeping next to me.

I'd never felt so alive as when the coaster rocketed towards the tunnel, wind in my hair, arms in the air, and the g-forces slamming me back in my seat. In hindsight, I wish I had seen the sunlight glistening off the piano wire 10 seconds sooner.

Growing up, always wanted to be just like my mother. I smiled as I swallowed the last bit of her, remembering how she always told me, "You are what you eat."

I dared my brother to go into an abandoned house we found in the woods, and I watched him go in. It has been almost twenty years since he went missing.

When we bought the house I assumed the scratches on the inside of the basement door were from a dog, but the neighbors say the previous owner didn't have a dog. This morning the scratches had multiplied.

I had a dream last night that a demon 'liked me' and scratched me to 'claim me'. Now after waking up I'm a bit paranoid because I found a scratch I can't explain in the same spot from the dream.

The nice man in the van with a puppy and candy, seemed so excited to give me a ride home when I told him my lil brother was there alone waiting for me. I'd feel bad about lying to him, but my family told me to bring home dinner, and those types of humans are so easy to catch.

I burned the dolls even though my children cried. They did not understand my fear because they assumed I moved the dolls into their beds each night.

Working the nightshift alone tonight. There is a face in the cellar looking at the security camera.

I think I might be the most successful serial killer in history. The best part is telling their loved ones that we did everything we could.

It's been 315 days since the global outbreak, 187 days since I realized I might be the only survivor, and 3 days since the two of us found each other in the wreckage of the world and regained hope. I'd been alone so long I almost forgot that hallucinating imaginary companions is the first sign of infection.

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