Chapter 5 Everything Alien.

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       Dawns P.O.V


      I suddenly realized "Oh... yeah. I often have a bit of amnesia after regeneration. What do I look like now? No mirrors in this stupid lab. Guess not all Torchwood guys are as vain as Jack Harkness. Never mind that, Katrina is in trouble!"

The officer holding Katrina speaks "We have you. Again. Guess your little escape attempt didn't go very well." He smirks.

        The Doctor stares in horror at the now unconscious Katrina in the agent's arms "what did you do to her!

Others walk behind the chair we are shackled to "She's just unconscious. Your escape attempt was futile, we were ready for you. You aren't getting out that easily." He motions to the other agents "Prep them!" then shouts commands to the others "Take Katrina, put her with Clara." He turns to the monitors on the desk, busy on them "Ooh this is quite exciting information..."

       I speak up "What is? TELL ME WHAT'S ON THE SCREEN!"

He glances up as if he'd forgotten we were there then back at the screen.

The Doctor answers "They've got regeneration information..." He said through his gritted teeth "They are doing a different experiment to me. And... it's!" 

 "What are they doing? Here, let me help." I ask reaching over to him to take away his pain through touch telepathy.

His breathing increased and then settled "Thankyou but now it would hurt you...."

     Katrinas P.O.V


     I Slightly wake up the world around me blurry, I see Clara and hear her talking but can't figure out what she's saying "Ohh.. blimey. My head..." it clears up and I see I'm shackled to a Chair, having too much of a headache to struggle "Clara. What's going on?" Clara answers "You were out for an hour. This one lady from Torchwood kept coming in and checking on you. She's going to be back in a few minutes."

          I look around, realizing where we are remembering the last time, I was here with Clara "Oh.. torchwood. Last time..."  I shivered by remembering what happened last time, terrified of the same pain and events happening again.  Clara speaks up "I know I felt it too. We have to get out before they hurt us more."

     I nod still having a headache "Do you know what happened?... all I remember was I was with the Doctor and Dawn trying to break them out with my powers and then the guy grabbed me, and I don't know what happened after that..." she nods "Yeah. You were injected with something. A tranquilizer of some kind. Knocked you out cold."

      Dawns P.O.V
      I shudder, feeling the full effect of the Doctor's pain "Gah... I, uh, probably shouldn't have done that so soon after a regeneration... you okay, Doctor?"

"I am, but I'm more worried about you Dawn..." His face is focused on mine concerned about my pained expressions. I answer "Oh you don't have to worry about me" I gasp in pain. "I've taken worse pain then this before" he replies more sternly "No. Just give it back. Your body is still getting used to itself" I can't handle it, but I'd rather take the pain than it be all on the Doctor. 

       "They can hurt you a lot worse than they can hurt me. Just let me help you. This once." I groan.

"Alright. You can but be careful who knows what they put in that."  He turns his head away as I'm in pain. I reply "Alright. I have enough regeneration energy in me right now to heal myself for a few hours. Don't worry about me."

He looked back at me seeing that he can't argue with me about it. "Alright." 

I yell at the agent "Yo! Agent Dipstick! You ever going to tell me why all of this is necessary?"

Katrinas P.O.V
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

       I think about the situation in more depth.  "A tranquilizer.. no I don't think that's what it was... well maybe it was that and something else..."

"Well, I know it wasn't the antidote. But it knocked you out good." Clara states

A female Torchwood officer comes in "So, how's our star patient?" She gives me a death glare.

I don't get to reply when the personnel steps in, giving me a glare that petrified me. " Fine. No thanks to you for making me feel this way." I say trying to not show my fear.

        Clara spoke up "What do you want?"

The agent answers "Just to check on the key to our research." She smirks maliciously "Make sure she's comfortable."

I glare at the agent "Right. Comfortable. As if being shackled to a table beforehand is comfortable. Thanks, I really appreciate it."  I finish in sarcastic voice, hiding how terrified I was.

Clara spoke up "You're going to pay for this."

"We have ways of making sure our hands remain clean. Now come on, Katrina. We have things to do." she stared at me.

"If you're going to do it, do it. I've waited enough."  I pull on the shackles a little bit hating them and wanting to get out. 

        She steps forward unlocking my shackles "Your call. I don't make the rules, I just follow them."

I stand up "Ok so you lock me to that chair to do nothing but scare me from remembering last time? What are you wanting to do now?" 

"Just seeing how your body reacts to stress. It's remarkable, really. If we could transfer your natural ability to remain calm under pressure to a human soldier, we would have a perfect super soldier."

Clara replies impatiently "Save it. We're not interested."

 "Yes. And my abilities are mine. Not anyone else's."  I glare at her.

The personnel replies "You should know this by now. Everything alien is ours. Including you."

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