Chapter 2: Unlocking Inner Powers

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Wade and I sat on his couch, watching Game Of Thrones, and eating popcorn. My eyelids were a little heavy, and I quickly looked at the clock. The clock read 1:37am.

"Hey, Wade?" I asked. "Do you think I could crash here? It's 1:40..." I figured it would be safer with an Anti-Hero than a villain or hero.

"Only if I get to cuddle you." A devious smile grew on his face. I blushed, and gave him a small smile, nodding. I didn't know why he was so kind, but he seemed to be one of those people you warm up to immediatly.

"Tell me Wade... Why did you even talk to me?" I asked. "I mean, I'm probably just some random woman you found on the streets..."

"I will tell you later, for now, go to sleep. Okay?" He acted like he was trying to keep something from me. I just wrapped my arms around his waist and lied my head on his chest. My eyes were heavy, and needed well deserved sleep.


I looked at (your name), she was like a small cat, all cuddled up next to me. Or should I say ON me. She's cute, I can give her that. She is like Peter was; has hidden powers. I doubt she knows about them.

She moved quite a bit in her sleep, it looked like she was having a nightmare. I was sad I couldn't help, but she had to fight these demons on her own.

*= Next Day =*


It was sunny out and the rays entered the room. It was a pleasant feel, one I hadn't felt in a while.

"(Y/n)? Are you up yet?" A voice called from the next room.

I stretched, "Yes, I'm up."

*= After Food =*

Breakfast was good, and the sunshine was wonderful. It's been so rainy as of late, that I forgot how good the sun felt on my skin.

"So Wade, what were you not telling me yesterday? I really would like to know..." I twiddled my thumbs in my lap.

"How about we go outside, in the abandoned courtyard, and I'll show you." He smiled under his mask. He kept on doing that. I wonder why he never takes his mask off... Odd.


Wade had explained everything. He told me I had powers, ones that would allow me to change into any form I had wished.

"You're crazy. I can barely put myself through college, and you think I am a anti-hero, or a hero, or what have you?"

"Just try to change into something... How about me!"

"But Wade-"

"Just try."

I gave him a rude look, but I tried. I thought of the entity I wanted to be, and focused on it. I felt an energy emit from around me, a large purple light cast from my body, and I felt different. Taller you could say.

"You did it!"

"What?! Impossible!" I still sounded like myself.

"Trust me. Soon enough you won't even really have to think about it." Wade just smiled at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2015 ⏰

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