Chapter 3: Friends

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Bella's POV

"Oh my god! I have nothing to wear!" I yell. It's 10 am, I have my hair and makeup done but I have no clue what to wear.

It's not a date so I don't want to be overdressed, but I also don't want to look like a slob. Then all of a sudden an idea pops into my head. I walk over to my older sister, Megan's, room and I flop on her bed. She puts her book down and looks at me.

"What do you need?" She asks me.

"I have nothing to wear!" I say into her bed.

"Okay, get up. Let's look in my closet." We both get up and walk over to her closet. I may love hair and makeup, but I'm completely clueless when it comes to fashion. Megan on the other hand always helps me out.

"Okay, so I need something that'll look with a leather jacket and I can ride my motorcycle in. But I also want to look cute, but not too nice because technically it's not a date but I don't know how nice to look for my non-date date and I don't know what he's going to wear, or what we're going to do. What if he is all dressed up, or-"

"Bella, I'm going to need to take a deep breath. You don't want to have a full blown panic attack an hour before your non-date date." She says trying to calm me down.

I take a deep breath, "Okay, I'm calm. But what do you think I should wear?" I ask her.

"Okay, so I have two dresses you can choose between, or you can wear jeans and a nice shirt, but it's kind of hot for that. I also have this skirt you can wear with a crop top, or you can..." She trails off because I just keep staring at this one dress.

It's a short white sleeveless dress with a v-neck top. It's tight at the top and flows out at the bottom. It will land about half way down my thighs, which is good because I hate looking at my thighs. "This, this is what I want to wear. I can put my converse with it and it'll look good with my leather jacket." I take it off the hanger and start to head out of Megan's room.

"Hey, Bella?" Megan asks.

"Yeah?" I say while turning around.

"You're going to look beautiful." She tells me while smiling. I think I might even see a little hint of tears in her eyes. Oh no, she can't cry. If she cries then I'm going to cry, then my makeup will be ruined.

"Thanks sis." I say while hugging her.

I walk back to my room and I put on the dress. I look in the mirror and I love it. The only thing is that since it's sleeveless I can see my fat disgusting arms, but luckily I can just wear my leather jacket, it's not that hot out right?

By now it's 10:30, even though I'll be there early I can't wait any longer, so I decide to put on my leather jacket and converse and I walk out to my bike. I sit down and put my helmet on. I'm a little cautious of my hair and makeup after spending an hour curling my hair and doing my makeup.

I pull out of the driveway and head towards the diner. Luckily the way this dress is cut the skirt doesn't fly up completely, although it's a little precarious at times. Once I get there I stash my motorcycle in the woods like I always do and I head into the woods.

I walk up to the large boulder that I always sit on, and I just stand there and admire the gorgeous landscape. All of a sudden I hear the branches rustling again just like I did yesterday, only this time I know it's Cas. So I carefully turn around to see him.

"Hi." I say in a sort of shy voice. I don't know why I'm so awkward, it's just a guy. A really attractive guy, but still just a guy.

"Hey." He says in a sort of breathless tone. I notice him glance up and down at my outfit. Damn it! I knew I looked ugly in this! "You look great." He says with a smile.

Love, Anxiety, and Hidden WaterfallsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz