Go down in flames

523 17 1

Petricia's POV

I sat outside the gym and applied my eyeliner. It looked fine, until it started raining. It looked like I was crying pitch black tears, which was actually pretty cool. I'll leave it. It brings out the inner me. I was about to get up and leave, but then I heard voices...

"Oh mah god, Edward is like sooooo hot!"

"Nuh-uh. He fugly. Jacob is the hottie."

"I think Bella can do better than both of them."

".....shut up Rylie."



I looked around the corner. Three girls in a circle, all reading magazines. The first had green tinted black hair. When she smiled, I saw glistening white fangs.

I couldn't help but blush.
Oh my god, what is wrong with me?!

Moving on. The second had greyish white hair. Her skin was tan, and there was black eyeliner on her eyes. She was looking at a Twilight magazine.

Well, I'm stupid.

The third had dark brown hair and her mascara was running. She looks stupid.

I took my sleeve and rubbed off the eyeliner. If I looked like that, then I might as well have stayed home.

Green spoke. "How is Jacob hotter? He's a werewolf."

Grey spoke. "How are they even hot?"

Green responded. "Shut up Rylie."


Then Brownie spoke up. "Because, he has a six pack."

"And you're saying Edward doesn't?"

"No, he's just too skinny for it to show."

"Excuse me?!"

"Ya you heard me." She pointed at Green's magazine. "Your guy is a fag."

"EXCUSE ME?!?!?????!!!!!!"

Rylie put her hand between them. "Girls, girls, please, just face it. They're both terrible."

Both Green and Brownie turned to Rylie and yelled in unison.


I giggled. Then everything went silent.

Oh crap.

I turned and began to run. And I didn't stop until I reached the back of school. I listened for footsteps behind me.

Nothing. Thank goodness.

I caught my breath and waited for the rest of the group. I saw Henry running towards me.


"Oh my god! Do you even know what you did?!"


"You spied on the vamps right?"

"The vamps?"

"Ugh. Do I really have to tell you about the vamps?"


He glared at me. "Fine. The vamps are these people that dress like vampires, but in truth, they're just little blood-sucking bastards. Anyways, they caught you spying on them behind the gym, and now you're in deep trouble."

"How do they know it was me? It could have been anyone."

"They saw your red and black hair. And you dropped this."

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