Chapter 2

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Chapter 2!!

I'm sorry I took so long to update. This story hasn't really even become one yet, and here I am, procrastinating. :( If that doesn't perfectly describe me then I don't know what will.

When I woke this morning, I heard the steady pitter patter of rain hitting the roof outside my window. As a fellow rain lover, it was one of the best feelings and automatically put me into a good mood. That, and it was an A day. It's funny how quickly you can learn to love and hate specific classes. For me, all my comfort classes are on A days. So, depending on what day it is, I'm either in a really really good mood, or a really really bad one.

I took the bus in the morning, so I arrived early to school today. Contrary to popular belief, I actually love riding the bus. It gives me a chance to pull myself together before a long, exhausting day at school. God, I hate my life. Why did I have to move here again?

The thoughts fly out of my mind as I come to a stop outside my spanish classroom. Like I said before, my spanish class is a comfort class. How I manage to make spanish a comfort class, I have no idea.

"Hola, Señora C."


This is the same exchange that happens every morning I walk into her class ten minutes early. Normally I sit and look over what I have to do for the day, to relieve any small amount of stress that I can. However, today, seeing that I am in a good mood. I move towards a conversation with Señora C.

"Como estas?"

I should probably warn you that I am the absolute worst spanish speaker. My pronunciation is nothing more than the bare minimum to be understandable.

"Bien! Bien! Y tú?"

I tell her that I am also having a good day, and Senora C launches into a story about her weekend. I nod along, smiling and gasping when she moves her hand dramatically. I can't really tell her that I don't understand and that the only thing I got from the entire speech was that she went camping with her 'familia.'

The class passes rather quickly and soon I'm rushing to get to second period- World history. This class is the only one that could ruin my day. Fortunately we end up taking notes the whole period which, in any other class, would be tourture. But for World History, it's the best thing that could have happened. The bells rings and I'm moving to lunch, extremely excited to see my friends and tell them all about how terrible World HIstory is and how much they'll hate it next year.

When I get into the cafeteria, the first thing I notice is that there is a huge crowd of people centered around the middle of the cafeteria.

Doing the only thing a sane person would do, I turned around and fled the cafeteria. You never know, someone might be throwing up, and I really really wanted to be able to eat lunch today.

My thoughts are interrupted when I slam into a huge body. Next thing I know I'm flying in the air like some bird, flapping my arms and trying to save my lunch from landing in a puddle. When I hit the ground, I swear it feels like I've just been thrown through the Earth. There's definitely gonna be a nasty bruise there later. I hug my lunch tighter and make to stand up when a hand enters my view. I look up, glaring daggers at my assulter, when I realize it's freaking Ronan from art class.


I grab his hand... I don't know why. He helps me up and I'm still attempting to not go ballistic on him, that I don't even realize that he's speaking to me.

I blink at him, squinting hard. "What?" It comes out harsher than I intend, but at this point I don't really care. Nothing can ruin a day more than being shoved into the ground.

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