Chapter 3

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Chapter 3.. It's so cold today and I LOVE the cold. Does anyone else love the cold? It doesn't get cold where I live often (not that I know I just moved here). Of all the places I've lived, this one's got to be the coldest. And, honestly, I think that';s the best part. It's not even november yet, and I'm already putting christmas candles in my room. So, in honor of the temperature change, I've written a colder chapter for all my cold lovers, wherever you are.

I blew a breath out, watching as the frosty air swirled around me. My hands were tucked under my arms, but somehow they were still freezing. I didn't mind though. I loved the cold.

The bus trudged around the corner and came to a screeching stop in front of me. I blew another breath out and the doors opened, revealing a smiling Mrs. Amanda.

"Good morning," I called.

She smiled at me, "A cold morning."

I smiled and nodded, making my way to the back of my bus. It was warmer in the back and I set my stuff down before sliding into the seat. The cold of the window leaked through my sweatshirt as I leaned against it. I pulled out my headphones and hit shuffle of my playlist. The music blasted through the headphones and I closed my eyes. Next thing I knew, I was sprinting through fields as I left this town behind and made my way to a new life. I could feel the breeze on my face and the blades of the grass as I ran through it. Throwing my hands in the air, I spun and laughed until the song ended and I opened my eyes. Instead of the grassy field, I was faced with reality.

I sighed. It was probably the worst feeling. The repetitive realization that you're really stuck. In my case, for two and half more years... That's become my slogan: just two and a half more years.


I was on my way to an early lunch, curiosity of a B day, when I saw Jamie and Sofia. They were sophomores, like me, but I wasn't really close to them. I only sat with them because of a mutual friend.

And let me tell you, they were the ones who peaked in highschool. All the girls in their friend group were gorgeous, and I'd be lying if I said I was self conscious when I was around them. I never really talked on B day lunch. I kinda just sat and minded my own business. Or looked like I was... Some of the stuff I've learned from sitting at that table is part of the reason I don't speak much.

I'd heard all of it. Who was dating who, who tried to steal who's man (yes that actually happened), and ,well, you get the point. There's always something going on.

Today, I strategically walked the long way so that Sofia and Jamie were already at the table when I arrived. Allison and Cambree, the two other girls that sit at our lunch table, were nowhere to be seen.

When I look around, I realize that Allison and Cambre have switched tables and are now sitting with another group of girls. I wonder what happened now.

As I sit down, I carefully open my lunch and pull out my bagel. Jamie sits down and opens her salad. Sofia leaves, and I assume that she must be getting lunch from the cafeteria. I look at Jamie, who seems to be staring intently into the back of Allison's head.

Curiosity gets the best of me, and I ask, "Did something happen?"

Jamie's head snaps towards me, her dark hair cascading down her back. I shift in my seat, extremely uncomfortable with the glare that she is now instituting on me. In a blink of a second, her glare is gone and is replaced by her normal smile.

"Allison and Cambree are being annoying."

"Oh my god, I know I cannot believe them."

Startled, I look up and find Sofia standing right behind me. She sits down next to me and I hold in my surprise.

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