chapter 11

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Patrick couldn't sleep that night. He turns with a tired groan, his eyes must have formed bags at this point.

She didn't get it. Nancy didn't understand that Patrick did care for her. Maybe not as much as he's seen others care. He just did it differently.

He groans again. He gives in to his wake and stands up from his bed. The sheets haven't been washed since what happened the last time she was here, as disgusting as it sounds.

He looks over at the drawer in his closet that was opened. He nears it and sticks his hand in, digging around and making noise. He hadn't really told anyone about the collection he obtained in that drawer, but everyone still knew he had it in some way.

Patrick didn't really mind before, but now it made him sad to pull out the walkman.
He smiles. But it's not that smile that scares tons of people in sight.
It's the warm smile he had before the time he even had a brother.

What he held in his hands was the very same Sony walkman Nancy had on the day they learned her name. Was it really a year ago? It felt like a thousand ...

He shot a glance at his bunch of random cassettes, songs some of which Nancy had given him when she didn't want them herself.

He picked up one of them and read Paranoid by Black Sabbath, could be the same one they played in the car the other day. Apparently, curiosity got the best of him and he inserted it in the walkman.

The melody of rock began filling his ears. He recognized the sound. It reminded him of Nancy, and he liked that a lot.

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