Humans and Animal-Shifters

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Skate Parker is a 18 yrs. old girl, who has a very fluffy friend. She loves skating. She is also FluffyTail's Owner. *Alix FluffyTail : ExCuSe Me!?* She carries FluffyTail's watch, a very old silver watch with a bunny symbol on it.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng is a 18 yrs. old girl, who has a black cat. She loves designing. She is also Adrien KittyPaws's Owner. She found him under the chair that was on her balcony.

Kagami Tsungi is a *insert age* yrs. old girl, who isn't being bitten by a snake. She is very good at fencing. She is Luka HissBites's Owner. The two are very talented.

Alix FluffyTail is 19 yrs. old, for some reason. She is a Bunny-Shifter. She can transform into a small white bunny. You'll know it's her if she has a piece of reddish pink hair on her head. Everytime she gets surprised, spooked, or hears something, her medium-sized ears pop up. Everytime she lies, her voice turns smaller, like a bunny's voice. If you compare her with the Alix and Future Alix from the series, you may understand what I mean. She's serious about certain things.

[Size Comparison of Alix FluffyTail is at the top. Do not include the cap Alix is wearing. It'll only confuse you about her size.]

Adrien Kitty Paws is a 18 yrs. old boy who happens to be a cat. He is a Cat-Shifter. He can transform into a black cat. You'll know it's him if he has a golden mane on his head. Everytime he sleeps, he tosses and turns. Everytime Marinette pets him, he faints, due to her soft hands. If you compare Adrien and Chat Noir from the series, you may think they're the same height, but no. Adrien KittyPaws's ears make him alot taller. He's silly and annoying at the same time.

[Size Comparison]

Luka HissBite is a *insert age* yrs

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Luka HissBite is a *insert age* yrs. old boy. He is a Snake-Shifter. He can transform into a Green and Blue Green Snake. You'll know it's him if he has yellow diamond-shaped necklace on him. He hisses in his sleep, so be careful unless he might attack. He doesn't eat what snakes normally eat, instead he eats what Kagami cooks. He is very calm. He is the same size as the Luka, not Viperion, in the series. No, I am not lazy to do a size comparison.

Lila SlyFox is the same age as FluffyTail; 19 yrs. old. She is a Fox-Shifter. She can transform into a red-orange fox. You will know it's her if she has a skinny tail. She loves to lie and frame Marinette, just like in the series. She hates FluffyTail and Marinette, so much. She is the same size as Volpina.

Facts about the Animal-Shifters in this Story :
- FluffyTail is wearing the clothes like the ones that servants/butlers wear. I did say she is serious.

[This is what she wears, only the jacket is red and it has a bowtie

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[This is what she wears, only the jacket is red and it has a bowtie.]

- Adrien KittyPaws wears things only Marinette gives him, since he's sometimes picky.

- Luka HissBite helps Kagami with her fencing.

- Lila has reddish brown hair in this story.

- Sabrina Bark and Chloe will be mentioned in some chapters.

- Lila doesn't have a ShifterOwner.

- There will be references from the series.

- All the (Alixs/Sabrinas/Lukas/Adriens/Lilas) will be in one room, in some chapters.

- FluffyTail has a dark secret.

Facts about the Humans in this story
- Everyone is in Paris, as usual.

- Gabriel Agreste is just a normal designer, no Hawk Moth in this story.

- Ladybug and Chat Noir don't exist here.

- They go to school, of course.

- All the (Marinettes/Kagamis/Chloes) will be in one room, in some chapters.

- Chloe isn't too mean.

- Kagami is still the same, but has humor and also surprising.

- Marinette is a little clumsy in this story.



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