Meet Alix FluffyTail

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Skate was skating towards the pet shop. She wanted a pet. There were no penguins, since they need ice, so she went for a bunny instead. She spotted one, with a piece of reddish pink hair on its head. She smiled and bought her. Skate skated home, with the bunny in her arms.

"Alright, what does FluffyTail want for lunch?" Skate asked the Bunny she named 'FluffyTail.'

The bunny squeaked. Skate smiled and skated towards a bakery. The bell on the door ringed and Skate was greeted by Mr. and Ms. Dupain-Cheng.

"Good Afternoon, Skate." Marinette greeted.
"Afternoon, Mari." Skate smiled.
"I see you've got your pet now. A bunny?" Marinette asked.
"There were no penguins or pet birds anymore, so a bunny." Skate replied.
"Right." Marinette took a bite from a piece of bread.
"Well, Marinette. Say 'hi' to FLuffyTail." Skate waved 'FluffyTails's hand.
"Hello, FluffyTail." Marinette waved back.

Skate left the bakery and went home. She went in her room and saw a small, old, silver watch on her desk. It had a bunny symbol on it. She grabbed the watch and opened it. The arms of the clock span and they stopped. Skate raised a brow and put the watch down at the desk. When she turned around, she saw a girl, dressed as a servant/butler.

"Well, I'm free- What!" The girl yawned and gasped.
"Hey, what did you do to my pet bunny!?" Skate asked.
"Who cares about your pet bunny!? Who're you!?" The girl snapped.
"I care about my pet bunny! And Who're you!?" Skate snapped back.
"That's it! I'm leaving!" The girl stomped towards the door.
"Hmph!" Skate looked away.

The girl was at the door. She grabbed the knob, but couldn't twist it. She sighed and tried twisting it. The door opened and she left. Suddenly, the girl came back to the room.

"What the.." The girl whispered.

The girl tried to leave again, but came back again. She looked at herself anf realised something. Her watch wasn't with her.

"Oh no..." She gulped.

The girl ran to Skate. Skate turned around and raised a brow, she wasn't angry anymore.

"I-I'm sorry If I shouted at you, but have you seen my watch?" The girl asked.
"What kind of watch?" Skate asked.
"A small, old, silver watch with a bunny symbol with it." The girl answered.
"Oh, you mean this?" Skate brought the watch out.
"Yes that's it! Wait, that means..." The girl said.
"Means what?" Skate asked.
"Y-you're my... ShifterOwner.." The girl answered.
"ShifterOwner?" Skate asked.

The girl explained what a ShifterOwner was. They were types of owners who owned a certain Animal-Shifter. The girl also explained what a Animal-Shifter was.

"Okay. Who're you exactly?" Skate asked.
"The names Alix FluffyTail." The girl answered.
"Phfft." Skate covered her mouth.
"What? What's so funny?" Alix FluffyTail asked.
"Y-you're name...!" Skate giggled.
".....!! No it's not!" Alix FluffyTail shouted.
"Okay, okay. By the way, where's my bunny; FluffyTail?" Skate asked.
"Oh, uh... That bunny was.. Me..." Alix FluffyTail admitted.
"FluffyTail?" Skate asked.
"What? No! Don't call me that!" Alix FluffyTail said.
"But that's your name, right?" Skate raised a brow.
"Yes, but don't call me that. Especially in public." Alix FluffyTail explained.
"Do I call you 'Alix' then?" Skate asked.
"Yes." Alix nodded.

Skate rolled her eyes and looked at what FluffyTail was wearing.

"What's with the formal outfit?" Skate asked.
".... What formal outfit?" Alix asked.
"The one you're wearing right now." Skate pointed.
"Oh, right. You seen the Alice in Wonderland Movie right?" Alix asked.
"Yup." Skate replied.
"You seen the Bunny?" Alix asked.
"Uh-huh." Skate nodded.
"Well, basically, he wears a formal outfit right?" Alix said.
"I think so." Skate replied.
"So, I like formal outfits okay." Alix explained.
"Okay." Skate agreed.

It was dusk and Skate was hungry. FluffyTail was hungry too. Skate went to the kitchen, opening the fridge.

"So, favorite food?" Skate asked.
"Carrots." Alix answered.
"Anything else?" Skate asked.
"Nope." Alix replied.

Skate saw no carrots in the fridge. She had to buy some. She grabbed her skates and cloth bag and headed to the supermarket. FluffyTail was following. They arrived and went shopping for food. As they enter, a kid saw FluffyTail.

"Mom, Mom! There's a girl with bunny ears!" The kid said.
"Honey, don't be rude." The mom pulled her child away from the two.

Skate sighed. She looked at Alix, who actually had bunny ears.

"Is there any way to hide your bunny ears?" Skate asked.
"Oh, right. I forgot." Alix said.

FluffyTail put her two hands on her hair and slid them to bend the ears. The ears turned into human ears. Skate just stared at the sight of that and went to the fruit and veggies aisle. The next day, Skate was walking to the park, with the bunny FluffyTail.

"Why are we at the park?" Bunny Alix asked.
"I need to skate around. You wait here." Skate said.


MLB AU : Skate and the White BunnyWhere stories live. Discover now