Meet Luna Snow

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Country born: America

Was she a samurai before?: yes

Born: May 11, 1999

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Hair color: if you see the picture on the left, and if you see the hair color on that picture, that's it, it's hard to explain another way

Sister: Lunar Snow

Younger or older?: older

Likes: practing her fighting moves, a serious samurai, projecting her sister and people she cares about

Play by: Sabrina Caprtner

Talents: fighting, speaking Japanese, understanding Japanese, writing Japanese, and understand Japanese writings, cooking, singing, and playing guitar

Hobies: playing with her folding zord, well was her's, making her sister laugh and have fun

Secrets?: Lunar doesn't know, Luna, gonna pass her powers to her

Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this chapter, comment down below if you know Sabrina Caprtner, if you have any ideas for further books, message me on Instagram, username is @Pearl526, I mostly there, so yeah, if you like my books or chapters, vote to let me know, also don't forget to follow me on Wattpad for more great books! Last but not least go check out my YouTube Channel, it's call, Princess Hannah! That's all for now, see you guys in the next chapter!

Samurai Sentai Snow Ranger: Lunar Snow / Snow X Fire Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant