Episode 3

116 2 1

Lunar Pov

( she's wearing the same outfit practice as the girls)

I practice by myself with a dummy, with a wooden sword, soon enough Chiaki joins in, we stop training and turn to him

He's half asleep, people with black cloaks are helping him get dress

" owww!" Chiaki shout, hurt, when Takeru hit him on the head with his sword, I try to keep my laughter

" wake up! Practice had already started!" Takeru said

" but... Last night Hikoma Jii-San worked me pretty hard" Chiaki complain

" don't complain! Yourself awareness as a samurai is lacking" Ryuunosuke said going towards the boys, us girls just watch " every day have the Kuroko wake you up and even help you change your clothes, are you not ashamed?!" as he points his sword towards him I roll my eyes anyone


" Ryuunosuke..." Takeru started to say to him

" eh?" Ryuunosuke ask Takeru as he looks at him

" you're one to talk" Takeru said looking away, I look at his pats, now I know why, he's just wearing underwear

My eyes are now wide open

" you are correct! I always oversleep! It is my life's failure" Ryuunosuke said turning to us girls, get his skirt on, he shows his other underwear, I look disgusted

" disgusting" I said disgusted and go behind Mako

" aaah!" Ryuunosuke said realizing it now, I close my eyes, not wanting to see that again " I'm sorry! I'm so very sorry!"

I slowly walk aw, next to Takeru, he hit Chiaki on the head again with his wonden sword

" yeeeow! Hey, what's with you always hitting me so much?" Chiaki ask Lord, I playfully shake my head

" why don't you start avoiding them?" I ask him trying to keep my laughter, I feel someone looking at me deeply, so I keep quiet

" I told you to never let your guard down" Takeru said to Chiaki, I'm just watching till I get to practice one of them

" I said that's not possible" Chiaki said, crossing his arms and not looking at us

" being such a baby" I said to myself

" baby?!" Chiaki ask me as he looks at me, I nod yes

" yeah! Baby!" I answer pointing to him

" not!" Chiaki defending himself, I feel skmeo hit us with a wonder sword to shut up, I rub my head with my right hand

I turn to Lord

" ow" I said glaring at him, he chuckle of that and walk towards Ryuunosuke, and hit him on the head with is wooden sword

" this for real? Chiaki... You understand your smile are dragging us all down, right?" Takeru ask him as he walk towards him " with the sword, Majikara... As well as samurai knowledge, you're lacking in everything" as he takes a sip of his drink

" what?" Chiaki ask him, looking at him confuse " say that again" as he walk towards him and moving me to the side so I won't be a bother

" complain after you've gotten stronger, ah, by the way..." Takeru started to say

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