Destroying Keefe- By Grady

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Sandor joined

BotrosTheUnstoppable joined

EmoDude joined


LadyReuwen joined

Sandor: Best Idea you've ever had Grady

AllPowerfulLordReuwen: Thanks

LadyReuwen : I know I'm going to regret joining this chat...

AllPowerfulLordReuwen: Why?

RoIsBetterThanBotros: Because It's gonna be pure chaos.

Sandor: Ro? Why are you here? You and Keefe get along.

RoIsBetterThanBotros: Never repeat those words. Ever. I'm allowed to plot my charge's doom.

Sandor: ...

BotrosTheUnstoppable: Rhomhilda, it doesn't work like that.

RoIsBetterThanBotros; You're right. I shouldn't be plotting to overthrow my super good looking charge.

BotrosTheUnstoppable: Umm...

RoIsBetterThanBotros: Sorry, Keefe took my phone.

EmoDude: Figures. No one else would say that.

RoIsBetterThanBotros: Keefe said to screw off.

EmoDude: Make me

AllPowerfulLordReuwen: Tam, run.

EmoDude: Why do I have to run?

AllPowerfulLordReuwen: Because Sophie just left the house, and left her mphone with her messages open on her desk.

EmoDude: What did is say?

AllPowerfulLordReuwen: Her and Keefe are going to Tiergan's

EmoDude: Too bad for them. I'm at Foxfire.

LadyReuwen: Why are you at Foxfore?

EmoDude: Wylie tripped and scraped his knee and needed to go to Elwin.

AllPowerfulLordReuwen: That doesn't explain why you're there

EmoDude: Linh made me go or stay and watch Princess Purryfins.

AllPowerfulLordReuwen: That makes more sense.

Sandor: Sophie just tripped on the stairs... then knocked Keefe down with her.


AllPowerfulLordReuwen: What happened?!

Sandor: They're holding hands and laughing, get the melders!!!


AllPowerfulLordReuwen: I wouldn't dare. I'll ask Flori to do it.

Sandor: Apparently Flori followed us...

AlllPowerfulLordReuwen: Life wants me to fail.

LadyReuwen: No it doesn't

Sandor: CODE RED

AllPowerfulLordReuwen: GET SOPHIE HOME NOW

RoIsBetterThanBotros: Aww, it's cute. Don't break this up, Grady

EmoDude: What does code red mean


EmoDude: gross

Lady Reuwen left the group

BotrosTheUnstoppable: She is the only smart one here

RoIsBetterThanBotros: You just roasted yourself, ha.

Botros: I didn't mean it like that...

RoIsBetterThanBotros: Too late. I already showed Keefe, you're doomed.

BotrosTheUnstoppable: I'm hailing your father!

RoIsBetterThanBotros: waaa, go run to daddy you baby.

Sandor: Ro! Quit arguing and help me drag Sophie away!

RoIsBetterThanBotros: Nah, I'm good.

EmoDude: I'm done here. Tell me when you actually start planning Keefe's demise.

AllPowerfulLordReuwen: I'm making a new chat.. this one fell apart...

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