Chapter Twenty

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Everything was blurry. Foggy almost. And dark.
Out of the fog, hands reached out to me. To touch me. To grab me. Human hands. Monster hands, paws, claws, hoofs.

Friendly voices called out for me to come to them. To stay determined. But everytime I tried to find them, there was just more fog.

Then, in between the rest, one voice stood out. It was close, behind me and it made chills crawl all over my body. It was sickly sweet and... familiar?

"...Who do we have here?..."

It chuckled. I didn't want to turn around.

"...Humans have never been very kind..."

It wanted to be pitied. I knew I had to face it but I so badly didn't want to.

"...I am just...careful... I have a kid up here, you know?..."

The voice sounded serious. Almost worried. I finally gathered the courage to turn around. There was a dark figure slowly appearing out of the thick mist.

"...Are you... innocent?..." It asked as its contours started forming into comprehensible shapes.

It looked like... a very crooked, distorted centaur. It-... He. Had small horns peeking out of full  silver-bluish hair reaching to his waist, where the "horse" part of him started. The lower part was much shorter than a horse would be and had very tall hoofs for quite short legs. It's fur was yellow as hay. The top part of his body was too tall and looked just... unnatural. There was no other way to describe it.

He tilted his head a bit too much and a smile grew on his face.

"... Or are you the real monster?..."

His eyes stared in mine, digging straight to my soul. I blinked and the crooked centaur's face turned into an abomination of mine. This... image of me had the widest, crookiest, most creepy smile and the eyes were as big as plates. Both the mouth and eyes were pitch black and a strange black goo was leaking out of them.

That's when I shot up, finally waking up from the nightmare.

There was too much light but when I wanted to shield my eyes with my hand I realized there was something holding it.

"Frisk? sweets, are you okay?" a warmly familiar voice said.

"Sans!" I turned to hug him and felt a wave of relief.

"it's ok. it was just a nightmare. but be careful now." Sans returned the hug almost too gently.

"Why-? Oww!" a sharp pain shot to my elbow and I finally put my brain to use.

When I looked around, I realized I was in the hospital that was connected to Alphys' lab. I felt pain in a number of body parts but other than that, I felt fine. Just a bit tired maybe.

How did I... get here?

I tried to remember...
And suddenly realized my prevoius nightmare was almost a memory. Relief quickly turned into fear as I remembered what happened. At least what I could remember myself.

The alley. The crooked centaur. The conversation. The fear.

I wasn't ready to find out what happened yet. I was scared of what he could have done and what Chara could have done and...

"How long have I been... out?" Was the first question to pop up.

"about two days now, actually. you must be weak now, rest up, sweetheart." Sans said a bit carefully. He knew almost exactly what I had in mind and decided to go with my question.

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