Friends Forever <3

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The 7th of August 1:32pm I sent a message. Not a normal first message like "hi" but instead "Me with Jack😃" crazy how a 3 word sentence can change ur life for the best. She took a while to respond but time zones am i right- as we got older we learnt to work around them until i moved in with D and we were together at all times. 5:31pm "YESSS" there was a turning point. I had a bsf for life now and her name was Dakota, or how i call her D.
Our conversations weren't things u would talk about with someone across the world from u, but she felt like family. Like the sister i always wanted. Everyday we spoke getting closer by the second. As we got closer our obsessions about Jack and Emily got alot worse. Lifes perfect. Molls and D friends forever.

Double Dates ~ a story about Jack, Emily, Molls and DWhere stories live. Discover now