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"Jiro it is than" our heroine repeated excitedly. She tilted her head slightly. 

 "I'm- I'm uh Eijiro Kirishima and he's  Denki Kaminari". Clearly this Kirishima was a little flustered. "Oh and um, Sero's sleeping right now." Denki said, pointing to a sleeping lump.

"nice to meet you Kirishima and Kaminari". Ochako responded. "But, ah- whats the news about Deku"? She really hadn't spoken to him in a while, not unfriendly, they just lost touch through the years.

"Yeah Bakugou I didn't think we were gonna stop at his place, why would you even need to drop her off there" Mina questioned. 

"To be honest i just want to sleep". Jiro yawned. She was starting to doze off. What were they expecting anyways, she hadn't eaten in almost two days and haven't slept in a while so she was out of it, and now they are supposed to be going over to Deku's house? That was such a long ways away, screw this. They can talk and whatever she was tuning out.  She motioned for Kaminari to sit down next to her, before leaning on his shoulder and blanking out

"We, I- have places to be and Deku can get Uraraka Back to her own cottage or whatever". It's not like Bakugo was upset with his sudden reunion with Ochako it's more like he had places to be and didn't want her dragged into it. She has her own problems to deal with. Right?

"Damn, whatever can we at least sleep for a few hours before we get going? I mean No one has slept in a days, look at Jiro she passed the hell out". Denki was already falling asleep just thinking about walking so many more miles. 

"Yeah B. I'm dead beat to lets get some shut eye before going to Midorya's. I'm pretty sure you two are tired too, huh"? Kirishima motioned to Bakugou and Ochako.

Ochako let out a small laugh. She was really tired. Believe it or not being teleported whether by yourself or someone is dead tiring. 

"Yeah I am really tired, I can use some shut eye".  Ochako replied quietly to Kirishima. Bakugou tsked.

"Fine, But we're leaving at nine a.m. sharp, so get your damn five hours of sleep". Bakugos final answer.

so sleep they did. The odd group spread out around the clearing everyone at least five feet from another. Bakugo put out the fire before settling down himself.  

                                             7:34 a.m.

There was yelling and there was smoke. More yelling and more smoke. There were people? It was a group of people? people with fire, and sharp objects? Then she was being drug up and dragged somewhere. Ochako was very awake now.

hehe our denouement is starting to piece together, huh? remember to vote and comment. I would love criticism and tips. Have a wonderful day! oh and i know i said i would be updating once a week, but I probably will be updating when ever i have the time, which i hope to be atleast one update a week. I may add more  than one update a week but i wanted to keep one update a week. at least 


( ̄▽ ̄)ノ

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