= Chapter 8 =

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"Cedric rules!" an annoying first year Slytherin chirped as Harry passed him, attempting to reach Cedric so he could tell him about the first task.

"Thanks." Harry murmured back sarcastically as he reached a stone doorway leading to the courtyard, blocked by two older Ravenclaws.

"Like the badge?" One of them said as a shiny yellow badge with Cedric's face spun to reveal Harry's, quoting 'Potter stinks'.

"Excuse me..." Harry said, shoving past them, ignoring their rant about 'how amazing Cedric was' or how 'Harry cheated'.

Harry stormed over to Cedric, who was laying down on a bench with his mates, smirking as he got up, though frowning once he saw it was Harry. Cedric's friends began to hurl insults until Cedric gave them a deathly glare.

"Can I have a word?" Harry asked, taking Cedric's arm and moving them away from the crowds a little.


"Dragons. That's the first task. They've got one for each of is." Harry said, recalling last night's trip to see the fierce dragons.

"Are you serious? And Fleur and Krum, do they...?" Cedric began, asking if they already knew as Harry nodded.

"Right. Hey listen, about the badges. I've asked them not to wear them." Cedric apologized, looking at almost every single student wearing the 'anti-Potter' badges.

"Don't worry about it." Harry said, waving his wand as Cedric jogged off.

Harry was about to find Dove to tell her about the dragons when he spotted Seamus Finnigan, a fourth year Gryffindor, and Ron. He was still quite upset about last night, when he figured out Ron didn't just tell him directly the Hagrid wanted to tell him about the dragons.

"You're a right foul git, you know that?" Harry said, stomping over to Ron, who cringed his face as Harry neared.

"You think so." The ginger spat back.

"I know so." Harry shot.

"Anything else?"

"Yeah. Stay away from me."



"Why so tense, Potter?" Draco's sneering voice came from high in an oak tree.

Harry sighed, he didn't want to mess with the stuck up Slytherin barbie today.

"My father and I have a bet you see. I don't think you'll last ten minuted in this tournament. He disagrees." He jumped down from his perch, "He thinks you won't last five." Draco laughed as his thugs did along with him.

"I couldn't care less about what you or your father thinks Malfoy. He's vile and cruel, and you're just pathetic." Harry snarled as Draco took a step back, offended.

Harry began to walk away as Draco pulled out his wand, angrily beginning to hex Harry. Just then, Moody ran in, transfiguring Draco into a furry, white ferret. The whole courtyard was now watching, and some were giggling.

"That'll teach you to cast when someone's back is turned." Moody snarls at the squeamish ferret as he uses his wand to levitate the furry creature up and down.

Youngblood: Champions {Year 4, Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now