Never Quit

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beyond electricity, internet, social media, multiplex, shopping mall
and all other avenues, is life
if you have not seen it
look around, you will find plenty of it
dazzling in adversity

life is a struggle for existence
those who failed to fight
perished in antiquity
it is not roses and roses all the way
sometimes the thorn pricks, life bleeds
but one who has learned to live with adversity accepts the challenge with ease

life on earth has never been easy
a struggle, a fight for survival all the way
civilisations flourished and died
innumerable species became extinct
but life for those moved ahead
who accommodated and fought against
the caprices of nature and came out with colours

adversity is the crucible
where personality and ability is tasted
many a time we have gone down
many a time we have come up
there lies the beauty of life

wind and rain come and go
that which remain undisturbed is you and i,  our attitude and the way we face the storm
we have fought many, we will fight many
our attitude and ability will see us through

come on!
the battle is over
the war is yet to begin
miles to go before we conquer
poverty, injustice, inequality and squalor
fani  looks funny when we put a brave face to it and forget not one day we are to win over nature and death and  move towards immortality

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