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You're still on the hospital bed sobbing really bad. After almost 3 week later you finally wake up and hear the most heartbreaking news that your mom was no more.


It's all started when you're 7 year's old. One day you heard your perants screaming at eachother's very badly. It's your first time seeing your perants like that. Your family was a pretty normal and happy family before. Until that day everything change.

The happy family that you have started to destroy slowly. You heard you're parents Screaming and arguing with each other almost every day.

A year pass by and the Happy family you use to have fall a part. Everyday you saw your father cursing on you and your mother without any proper reason.

Things go out of hand that day when your father for the first time hit your mother.

Everything was pretty normal like others day. You're in your in your room trying to study but the shouting and screaming coming from your parents room not helping you at all. You close your book and jumped on the bed covering your ears with a pillow, don't want to heard your parents argument.

After few minutes later everything get oddly quite. You sit on your bed take a deep breath thought that they are over arguing until you hear a loud "Bang" following by your mom painful crying.

You quickly ran outside your room want to know what happened. You quickly went to your parents room and saw your mom on the ground crying holding her right cheek and your dad just looking at her unbothered.

And that day your mom finally make the decision to leave your dad for good. She packed all her and your clothes before leaving the house.

You remember at 11:30 PM your mom call her best friend Kim Jiyoung when you and she were inside a cab. Your mom asked her if she can live with her for few days and without hesitation she said yes.

Your mom best friend live in Seoul with her Husband and Son. You fall asleep on the cab because you live in Daegu and it's take 3 hours to get there by a cab.

Middle of your sleeping you wake up by your mom screaming and saw a big truck coming towards the cab. And when it's hit your cab you saw all kind of colour infront of your eyes before it's turn all black.


Since then your unconscious for 3 week and gain consciousness few hours ago just to heard that horrified news of your mom's death.

You continue crying hugging your knees. You heard the door open but didn't bother to look at who is it. Until a warm and familiar arm wrapped around you.

"Don't cry look I'm here..." you look up to the person and instantly hug him back. You buried your face in his chest and cry your heart out. "Shh, it's ok. everything will be alright..." The 18 year old boy tries to calm you down while holding you close to him and patting your head gently.

"T-Taehyung Oppa, I want to go to mom..." You said in between your sobs. Taehyung was your mom's best friend son. You both are very close because every years in the summer you and your mom went to visit them.

Taehyung was 10 years older then you but he always play with you and never refuse anything you asked him to do.

Taehyung broke the hug and look towards the door when his mom and dad come inside the room. Jiyoung your mom's best friend sat beside you and hold your hand before wiping your tears.

"Y/n, Will you stay with us at our house?" You look at her with a unsure face. You then turn to look at Taehyung who nod his head lightly. Again you turn to look Jiyoung and nodded your head with hesitation.


• 1 week later •

Today was the day you're finally discharging from the hospital. Taehyung and his mom helping you to get ready when his dad completion some of hospital formalities.

After few minutes later Taehyung's dad come inside the room with the discharge papers. "Let's go, I already completed all the formalities." Taehyung's dad carry you in his arm because the doctor told them to not let you move too much.

All five of you get in Taehyung's dad's car before drive away to their house. Almost 20-25 minutes later the car stop in from of Kim house. You look outside the car window, saw the familiar house infront of you.

"Y/n dear..." You turn around look at the other car door where Taehyung's father was standing holding the door open. "Come here we have to go inside" You quietly went towards him and again he carry you closing the car door with his leg.

He carry you inside the house following by Taehyung and his mother. And this is how your life started with new people in new place.


Thank you for reading
Love you 💜

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