Chapter 1

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Bela :

Being a business women was my dream but honestly it wasn't that easy. Not because I have lots of work, it's coz I had to wakeup early in the morning everyday, such a sleepy head I'm!!

Well! Even now I'm heading towards my office as I'm having a meeting, damm!! Who has a meeting this early? Like it's 9:30AM now.. this is the main reason I hate deals with foreign companies, there timings would never match with my sleeping times.. but what to do, it's all business after all.

I'm actually already late so being it a empty road I started driving my car a little speeder and that's the mistake I did. I don't know how but suddenly someone came infront of my car.. before I could put the break that person fell down.

Oh god! What did I do? I hope the person is fine. I got down and saw he was a guy of may be around in his late twenties. I bent down and saw he was in consious, I thanked God underneath.

He was slowly trying to get up and I, helding him by his shoulders made him stand. He turned towards me and I was awestuck looking at him. He's just a Greek god! Uff Bela! Control yourself, this is not the situation.

"I'm so sorry, it.. it wasn't intentional.. actually...", I din't know what to say but he cut in between

"You don't need to be sorry, it was my mistake.. I shouldn't have come all of a sudden like that", he said looking straight into my eyes

"Umm.. but are you fine? You aren't hurt right?", I asked looking at his hands and legs..

I wasn't checking him out but he worth it too!!

"Oh my god, your hand", I spoke being worried when I cought his hand bleeding

"That's ok, it's just a small one.. I can manage", he said rubbing on his hurt

"Hey don't do that, it hurts more.. and also it isn't a small one, I know it must be paining isn't it?", I asked him

"Yes a little, but that's totally fine miss.?", He uttered

"Oh I'm sorry.. I'm Bela, Bela Sharma", I said offering my hand

"Hi.. I'm mahir, mahir sehgal", he said shaking my hand with his

Mahir! Nice name though..

"Well mahir, please don't say no.. let's go to hospital, atleast just get your first aid done", I said

"No Bela..", I cut him before he complete

"C'mon mahir, making girls request too much isn't a good think.. it's bleeding so just come with me", I said holding his hand and made him sit in the passenger seat

"You are stubborn, isn't it?", He asked once I sat in the car

"How do you know? I mean why did you feel such!?", I asked looking at him

"Coz you seem such!", He said smirking from the corner of his lips

I smiled and started driving.. shit! I totally forgot about my meeting. Now I can't leave him also, I myself being a stubborn girl pulled him with me. Ugh! I have to cancel the meeting for today coz I know the investors can't make it today evening.

"Hello Tia! I won't be able to come to office on time today so you please cancel the meeting", I said to my PA on call

Sighing, I cut the call.

"I'm sorry, you can attend your meeting", I heard mahir saying

"That's absolutely fine mahir, can be done some other day also.. but I can't leave you like this, you are hurt on you leg too and I know you won't be able to walk", I said

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