Chapter 2

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Mahir :

I ran away from my house today when dad made it clear that he isn't gonna let me be an actor. It was my passion since I was a kid, I have even joined modelling without dad knowing about it.

I know this is gonna be hard but I still wanna do it. I informed mom about this and she as always supported me. I ran away without a second thought, I just had my phone and a few things related to my modeling.

If Bela wasn't there today then God knows where would I go now. She's really kind that she came forward to help a stranger like me, well! We ar'nt strangers anymore.

I really liked her, I mean she cute and hot too! Ugh! Stop thinking such mahir.. she's just your friend.

I went numb when she came and hugged me suddenly, like I hugged her back but still that was a new feeling for me. I have hugged a few of my female friends before but hugging her made me feel a little different today.

Ugh! My mind, I shrugged all those thoughts and I went out taking her car to but a few clothes for me. I reached back home and I was hungry, I should be coz I haven't ate anything since morning.

I quickly made my way to the kitchen and was finding something to eat while I heard some noises. I turned around and found Bela standing there.

"Hey", I wished her

"Hii, what's up? Looting my house?", She asked chuckling

"Yeah! You need to check everyday if something is missing or not!", I said smirking

"I'll do that later.. but for now let's eat I'm hungry", she said pouting

Uff that cute pout!! I wish I could.. no mahir stop!!

"Yeah I was just looking for what to prepare", I said

"I knew you would.. so here, I bought pizza for us.. I hope you like it?", She asked me hesitatingly

"I love it, thanks", I said excited

"You are only allowed to eat if you can assure that I don't need to hear thanks these many times again", she said raising her eyebrow

"Ok ok not again, now let's eat!", I said chuckling

We soon ate our dinner and went back to our respective rooms.

Next morning I woke up early, coz life had given me a change to prove myself dispite dad being against it. And sitting at home I wouldn't be able to do anything, I need to work for it.

I quickly got ready and went down and found Bela already ready packing her stuff.

"Good morning Bela", I wished her

"Hey good morning mahir", she wished back

"So you are going to office?", I asked just to start a conversation

"No me, but we are going", she said smiling at me

"We? But why me?", I asked being confused

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