Sleepy Ocean Man

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"Alright, what game should we play?" Jotaro looked at Kakyoin. "I already decided Minecraft." Kakyoin winked. "Okay but you didn't need to do that wink." Jotaro put his hat over his eyes. "Oh. Whoops, sorry." Kakyoin chuckled. "How do you play this?" Jotaro asked in a muffled tone, seeming embarrassed at that fact. "What? You've never played Minecraft? Oh geez.. someone needs to teach you about video games." Kakyoin joked. Jotaro remained silent. "Oh geez! Sorry, Jotaro! Didn't think you were that sensitive!" Kakyoin pat Jotaro's back. Jotaro still remained silent. It felt concerning, at least to Kakyoin. Then it finally hit him as Jotaro rested his head on Kakyoin's shoulder. "Eh? That's odd. He didn't look tired before.." Kakyoin murmured. Kakyoin moved Jotaro a little closer. "Guess I'll play while he sleeps." Kakyoin shrugged lightly to not wake Jotaro up. What Kakyoin didn't know is that Jotaro is a heavy sleeper, even talking in his sleep. Kakyoin played for what seemed like hours, the sky already turning dark outside. Kakyoin looked out the window. "How long did I even play for..?" He muttered.

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