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Graduation was probably the most anticipated event in a high school student's life. There were two types of students: the students that dreaded the day and had created a strong bond with friends, family, and the school itself, and the students who couldn't wait to get out and start their own chapters in their life. Among those different, drastic students was Shuichi Saihara, stuck in the lukewarm middle. Shuichi, despite having a set career working as a detective, found the event bittersweet. He was going to miss his friends and his uncle, but did the idea of going to college and becoming an independent member of society with the freedom to do what pleased him outweigh the rest? And was he alone in this bittersweet, painful yet free feeling?

The auditorium where the graduation ceremony had commenced was busy with commotion, various voices from students, parents, and supervisors overlapping each other. Shuichi stood off to the side, leaning on one of the auditorium's sound-proof walls as he observed his peers converse. He watched as photos were taken with bouquets of sweet-smelling flowers in the arms of students, everyone around him either smiling with pride or weeping tears of accomplishment. Shuichi's uncle couldn't even make it to the ceremony, so the whole environment of the room made Shuichi feel alone and distant. Turning on his heels, he went to head outside.

But a voice stopped him, causing him to pause in his tracks. "Hey, Shuichi! Where are you off to? Everything okay?" a cheery voice rang out, coming from behind him.

Shuichi looked over his shoulder to find his childhood friend, Kaede Akamatsu, staring at him with a worrisome demeanor to her look. "A-ah, sorry. No, I'm not going anywhere," Shuichi apologized quickly, turning back around to face the girl. "Just thinking about things."

"Let me guess. Graduation?" Shuichi nodded to Kaede's words, causing the girl to let out a little scoff. "Shuichi, it's not going to be the end of the world! We're all going to the same college, remember? Even if we won't be in the same classes, we'll still be in the same building. And it's not like I'm gonna forget you and the gang, okay? No need to worry!"

At the sound of Kaede's reassurance, Shuichi couldn't help but crack a faint grin. Even though the comfort didn't ease his worried thoughts that much, Kaede really knew the right thing to say at the right time. It always amazed him. If she wasn't a pianist, she could've made a great therapist. "Thanks, Kaede."

The two stood in silence, Shuichi going back to leaning on the wall and Kaede eventually joining him, mirroring his behavior as they observed the sea of teenagers, most of them newly adults. The commotion had died down from a few minutes ago, families trickling out through the side doors of the auditorium and out into the main lobby of the high school. Eventually, the only two left were the pianist and the detective. That's when Kaede bound from the wall and over to the stage, climbing up the stairs leading to it and giving a little spin as she stood tall on the scuffed floorboards from many musicals and talent shows.

"Kaede, what're you doing?" Shuichi asked in a worried tone, following her, but staying on the ground level of the auditorium. He looked up to her from the first row of seats, leaning forward with a hushed voice. "What if someone were to see?"

Kaede couldn't help but laugh, placing her hands on her hips as the spotlight above beat down on her, making her seem to glow like an angel from above. "Aww, c'mon, Shuichi! Everyone's gone! Plus, this is the last time I'll be able to stand on here before going off to college. Let me have my moment."

Shuichi's worried expression morphed into one of understanding. "Ah, alright. Just don't do anything that'll get us in trouble," He noted before taking a seat in the front row, playing with the sleeves of his graduation gown.

𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐳𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐚 | 𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐦𝐚Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora