Part 1

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Two teenage boys were in the woods near a highway motel early in the morning about 3:00 a.m.

"Come on, Josh don't be a chicken! Cluck cluck!" The first boy turned around, shining his flashlight in the other kid's face.

"Alex would you shut up! This is so stupid!"

"You quit being such a baby! It's fine, just a little wet!" Alex said as he started to cross a small creek that flowed underneath the bridge.

"Okay... but if I die I am 100% coming back to haunt you!" Josh remarked.

"Duh you better! That would be so cool to have a ghost as a best friend....Oh crap!"

Josh walked to check on Alex. "Hey you okay?"

"Yeah I just tripped on a rock or something."

"That's not a's a...."

"WOMAN!!!" Both boys said together.

They scrambled back to the road and they ran back to the car. Once inside the car Josh locked all the doors.

"What are we gonna do!?"

"Don't look at me I'm not the one who found her!"

"I didn't find her! I FELL ON HER! Here you call the cops!" Alex throws his phone at Josh.


Gibbs walked past the bullpen, holding two coffee cups from his favorite dinner.

"Where is he going?" McGee asked.

"Look behind you." Bishop said in a singsong voice.

McGee looks up to see Gibbs standing by the railing talking to Jack. "Oh that makes sense."

"Yes it does." Nick says walking into the bullpen.

"Good morning Nick."

"Good is not the word I'd use." Nick sat at his desk.

"Really? What happened?" McGee asked.


"Good morning." Gibbs hands Jack a cup. "Hope you don't mind I got you pumpkin spice."

"Oh yum!" Jack took a sip. "I don't mind at all. I love fall, the weather, the smells and of course pumpkin spice everything. How about you?" Jack smiled.

"I don't know people get weird around Halloween, as Tony would.. as agent DiNozzo would say, well boss October the weirdest month, all the crazy people are out doing crazy things." Gibbs leaned over the railing looking down after doing his best impression of Tony.

"I guess that's true but you got to admit the leaves are beautiful this time of year and walking through the park on a chili day can be romantic."

"Are you giving me a hint?" Gibbs smiled.

"I don't know what you're talking about? But if you are suggesting that we should go for a walk in the park, how could I resist?" Jack took another sip.

Gibbs was about to say something when McGee called out. "Boss we got a case!"

"Coming!" Gibbs answered. "Bye Jack."

"See ya later, Cowboy." Jack smiled.

Gibbs walked down the stairs to the bullpen. "Okay McGee, what do we got?"

"Well a couple of kids found a body and called the police, they checked her Fingerprints, she was a petty officer so they called us."

"Okay grab your gear."

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