Shoyo Hinata x Y/N

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Warnings- Lemon, Bad language

Chapter 2: M-Manager? Part 1

3rd Person POV:

Karasuno had a new temporary manager due to arrive any minute, most were shaking with anticipation; or fear. The team had heard not long prior to that their new manager was stern and amazing in the court. Although, amongst the crowd of fearful teammates was Hinata; brimming with excitement and pratically bouncing off the walls. Hinata saw this as another door opening to help him become the best of the best, to be the best middle blocker in the entire history of volleyball.

The doors suddenly flung open, sending a woosh of fresh air towards the players which resulted in them falling into silence. Whilst the rest had blank expressions Hinata was red faced and bright eyed, like a dog about to be given a treat... oh and what a treat he was about to get. The strong smell of vanilla filled the room as the shadow of the new manager grew larger as they edged closer. The entire team watched the entrance as Y/N was finally in sight, clutching a large file organiser and a bag, staring blankly at the team.

The team members continued to watch silently, the atmosphere thickening under the immense awkwardness. Hinata could barely contain himself, he sprinted full speed towards Y/N and hugged them tight. The rest of the team gasped, flinching slightly as they waited for the loud impact of hand to face. But instead, were shocked to see Y/N crack a warm smile and embrace the small ginger in return.

Coach Ukai cleared his throat and strolled over boldly, a cigarette hanging from his lips. "Team, this is your new TEMPORARY manager until Kiyoko returns. You will address them as Y/N
Shimizu." The teams eyes widened. "YOU'RE RELATED TO KIYOKO?!" The third and second years of the team said in unison, Hinata just stared excitedly at the new manager, his cheeks full as he smiles bright up/down at them. Y/N looks at the team and nods. "She's my sister. Is there a problem with that?" Y/N rose a stern brown, the whole team apart from Hinata shaking their heads rapidly. "Good." Y/N looks down/up at Hinata and ruffles his red hair, making him almost pass out from excitement. They indicate Hinata to go join the team, he responds with a salute and runs back over, grinning like an idiot.

-Time skip-

Y/N was walking home alone after practise, observing the scenery around them as the moon hung behind the trees, lighting up the path dimly. A voice bellowed behind them, causing Y/N to look behind them. "MANAGER!" The excited ginger shouted, running after them. Y/N stops and tilts her head. "How can I help you Hinata?" Hinata doubles over and pants, hands on legs waiting to catch his breath. He suddenly jumps up; straightening his back and looking as if he was in an army line up. "I saw you walking alone, i-its too dangerous for you to walk alone." Y/N smiled and ruffles his flame like hair once again. "Thank you for being so concerned about me Shoyo. I assure you I'm fine, but if you're going the same way I'd be more than happy for you to accompany me." Hinatas eyes brightened as he nods "mhmmhm!" Y/N chuckles and began to walk, Shoyo pratically skipping next to them.

After a few minutes of silence; Hinata is ready to burst with questions and could no longer contain himself. "So where did you... where did you learn to play volleyball?" Y/N was silent for a second. "I taught myself through videos online." They bluffed. Hinata nods,  intrigued in what Y/N was saying it was like he was taking mental notes. The questions rolled in, what's your favourite food, what position do you play, what's your shoe size, what year are you. "1st year... look Hinata I really appreciate how interested you are in me, but we walked past my house about 3 blocks back..." Suddenly it begins to pour down with rain, Y/N groans in frustration and sighs loudly, Hinata looked down disappointed. "Sorry..." Y/N sympathises with the red head and smiles. "Is your house far?" Hinata nods and puts his bag over his head. "About 30 minutes." Y/N grabs his arm and runs, Hinata looked at them in shock but ran after them anyways despite him questioning why he was being dragged in the opposite direction of his house, despite the fact a wide smile spread across his lips, reaching from ear to ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2020 ⏰

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