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That silent, yet somehow deafening killer.
That one illness no one wants to address.
The one that wraps me tightly in a suffocating blanket.
That ongoing cinematic movie that causes distress.

"Pray it away!" The motto and anthem in POC households;
Doing physically nothing to change the outcome.
Thus becoming more common for POCs than colds.

A sweet simple smile becomes a dreaded chore.
Losing its once meaning,
Happiness now ignored.

Depression: a heavy, thick, liquid-like sickness that coats the mind.
A melancholic reminder that life will never be easy, nor kind.

The feeling is drowning.
Equivalent to dying.
Dragging one down,
Essence depleting.

An illness of the brain, why is there no help?
Leaving the infected to fin for themselves.
To handle the shitty cards they unfortunately were dealt.

Only one way out from here;
To cease the pain.
My tactic: to defeat;
Depression, you will be slain.

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