Author's Note

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Hello and welcome to my small collection of poetry titled, "Ugly As Shit".
I don't normally write poetry anymore but got the urge to write some about my stress, anxiety, and depression issues. 

My mental health, and mental health in general, has become such an important thing to me, especially since these last couple of years.
Too many people, especially people within the POC community, go without talking about or taking care of their mental being and that is so dangerous.

There is this "pray it away" culture within a lot of black and brown families with the notion that if you just pray, you will suddenly be healed.
Praying is great! It's a beautiful thing. Speaking to God about what plagues you and asking Him to help you can help, but even God says you can't expect things to just happen without putting in the work.

I only recently within the last year really started to take a good look at where my mental being was after almost attempting to take my own life. I had to really mentally fight myself to not go through with it.
I have changed a lot since then and hold my mental health, and the health of others, very dear to me and this collection of poetry is just some of the thoughts that go through my mind.

I am not completely better.
I fail a lot.
But pushing myself forward to get better is what matters. I thankfully have people who I can depend on and who help me through my tough times and I highly recommend finding the same.

Check on your friends and family. You never know what they are going through and if they need someone.

I hope you enjoy and/or can connect on some level with these poems and thoughts, and thank you for reading.


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