Chapter 2

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Y/n woke up in the inn he walked to Naofumis room to only meet a empty room he was confused so he went down the stairs and ask the bartender

Y/n:"where did the shield hero go"

Bartender:"he was dragged out by some guards:

Y/n just sighed and walked to the castle only to bump in the sheild hero

Y/n:"uh sir are you alright why were you dragged out by guards"

Naofumi:"leave me the hell alone"

Y/n looked at the hero confused so he walked into the throne room and saw the other 3 heros and malty they looked at him with confusion

Y/n:"why was the sheild hero dragged here then left in a more then grumpy mood"

King:"if it isn't the other party member well if you insist the sheild committed a horrible crime against this poor girl"

Y/n:"I see amd may I ask for proof and the testimony if it doesn't bother you"

King:"I will tell you the evdincevis this torn undergarment found in the sheilds room"

He then told about the allegations

motoyasu:"see your party leader assaulted myne"

Y/n:"that's dosen't add up if I may say"

Ren:"how it's all there"

Y/n:"well she said that he broke into her room and held her down and when I left there were many people a simple scream would've alerted anyone and why would the undergarment get into Naofumis room if it happened in Mynes and why would Naofumi go back to his room"

The all looked at him in shoke but Malty she sneered at the proud knight

Myne:"he probably wanted to keep it as a a trophy of what he done"

Y/n:"possibly but the way he acts he would be much more smarter about it"

Silence fell the room as everyone was in deep thought

Y/n:"I can see you are all still not in belief but when the truth is revealed I hope that you are ready to lick the boots of Sir Naofumi"

He left the throne room and walked down the stair to find the sheild hero as he walked around the town it started to frow dark and as he walked by a ally way he saw blue light erupt and he ran tword it and three thugs brushed past him and he looked up to see Naofumi

Y/n:"sir Naofumi?"

Naofumi:"what do you want here to kill me"

Y/n:"no I am here to stay by your side if you always me to"

Naofumi:"the you get what I told those others you get paid with how much you help"


As the talked a short man in a purple outfit walked out from a dark corner Naofumi and the man talked as Y/n stood at the entrance to wait for him

The Warden [For Honor x The Rising Of The Shield Hero]Where stories live. Discover now