Chapter 3

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As The Warden waited he thought he heard a scream from the tent but a few seconds later Naofumi walked out

Naofumi:"so you are still here"

The Warden scoffed Raphtalia walked out from behind Naofumi and looked at the Knight

Naofumi:"let's go"

[Time skip]

After Raphtalia got done popping a balloon under Naofumis Cape they head out to a cave Naofumi got what appers to be a rope shield and a new skill he gave a pickaxe to Raphtalia and they walked through the cave and came across a valuable looking ore so Naofumi started to mine it with his pickaxe and Raphtalia and Y/n took watch a growl was heard from a dark cave and Raphtalia screamed when she saw it Naofumi grabbed her and jumped off the cliff leaving The Warden alone


The Warden got in a fighting stance as the dog charged him Y/n brought down a heavy strike hitting the dog in the shoulder but the dog knocked him off the cliff and fell to the ledge that Raphtalia and Naofumi where on a pound  clank was heard when he fell he was out cold the dog jumped down amd Naofumi blocked the attack as Raphtalia cowerd in a rock but the other dogs head bit Naofumis shoulder  Raphtalia jumped at the dog stabbing it only to get thrown off it was about to chomp Naofumis head off but a blade swung down chopping the dogs head off Naofumi and Raphtalia looked over to see The Warden holding his sword

Naofumi:"that was to close"

[Time skip]

As Naofumi and Raphtalia went to hunt low level monster The Warden stayed at the inn after a few hours Naofumi and Raphtalia came back Naofumi looked like a bandit in his new armor

Naofumi:"we have to go we need to find out when the wave is coming"

So they walked tword the church they walked in and a green light shot from Naofumis sheild to the hourglass as it stopped and irritating voice rang out

Motoyasu:"is that Naofumi I see still were that flimsy equipment"

Naofumi scoffed and walked passed him

Myne:"hey sir Motoyasu is talking to you"

Motoyasu reached for Raphtalia but a hand covered in cold steel grabbed his and crushed it a sickly crunch was heard and then a scream from Motoyasu hand was crushed by The Warden and he pushed Raphtalia forward

Myne:"you basterd you broke the spear heros hand how can he use his spear"

Y/n: be skilled enough you can use it with one hand"

They walked out a day left till the wave so they got ready for the fight

[The next day]

Naofumi:"ok get ready we will be teleported to the waves location together"

As he finished saying that a gold light enveloped them and they appeared atop a hill seeing the other heros runn6tworss the front line a flare was saw from a village

Naofumi:"Y/n go help the other heroes me  and Raphtalia have the village"

Y/n:"yes my lord"

A/n sorry if it's bad I'm not really good at this and thanks for reading have a good day or night

The Warden [For Honor x The Rising Of The Shield Hero]Where stories live. Discover now