Chapter 1

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(Outfit Above when Josie meets Dani) (Not every outfit will be from the 80s but its fine)

👣-'Take me back to the night we met.'

We lay my love and I. . . beneath the weeping willow.

North Carolina, 2007

A middle aged woman woke up from her slumber. She looked around and stopped, staring the hotel door that was slightly open.

But now alone I lie. . . and weep beside the tree. Singin', "O willow waly. . ."

The woman got up from her chair and walked to her bathroom. She walked towards the bathtub that was filled with water, and stared at her reflection in the water.

. . .by the tree that weeps with me. Singing, "O willow waly. . ." till my lover return to me.

The woman got out of the taxi and walked towards the large house. 'Can I have your attention, please?' A man with glasses asked.

'You'll get to your meals momentarily, but first. . . the bride has asked me to speak.' The man said, in his thick British accent. 'I thought she was joking!' He exclaimed. 'Why invite such catastrophe upon your own wedding?' He asked, causing the people to laugh.

'But, as she explained, "No, heavens, no. Not the wedding, the practice meal.' 'The rehearsal dinner, for God's sakes!' The soon to be bride corrected. The woman from before walked towards the group of people and sat down, listening to the man talk.

'I must claim my right as a slightly drunk, completely jet-lagged Englishman to well and truly speak my mind. Because, I want to warn you all, you young people have absolutely no idea what you are letting yourselves in for.' The man explained, glancing at the woman who sat down.

'Oh. . . Here's a horrifying statistic. Did you know that almost half of marriages these days do not end up in divorce?' He questioned. 'That means there's a strong probability that you two get watch each other die. And that's the preferred outcome. To truly love another person is to accept that the work of loving them is worth the pain of losing them. And that's it.' He explained. The woman stared at the man in deep thought, remembering the times when she was young and in love.

'And if that scares you as much as it scares me, then I say run. Go off and do drugs on a beach in Bali. Devote yourself to a life of the mind. Run! Run while you still can. You're young, you're strong. The world. . .' The man said, fading out.

After the rehearsal dinner, the people sat in a room telling stories and laughing amongst themselves. 'No, I'm serious, we actually refused to stay here.' The bride said. 'She refused.' The groom corrected.

'I didn't know staying here was even an option.' One lady said. The middle aged woman walked into the room and grabbed a drink, walking towards the fireplace.

'There's three suites in the castle, and Jack wanted to stay here.' The bride explained. 'Just one night.' Jack said. 'Just tomorrow. Just after the reception, so we could just stumble upstairs.'

'But I said, "No way, not after those stories." The bride said, shaking her head. 'Wait, just the stories? You didn't see her?' A guest asked.

'No! God no, I didn't see her.' The bride exclaimed. 'If I saw a dead woman, a dead nun, no less, crying in the corners, we would not be getting married here.'

'Okay, it's just a story.' The groom said. 'This place used to be a convent for, like, a few decades in the '40s. It's part of the sales package. They can charge a few hundred extra for the ghost story.' He explained.

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