Chapter 3

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(Outfit Above)

- 👣" I wish I were Heather."

1981- Meeting the Wingraves.

Jo fiddled with her fingers as she sat next to Hannah in the cab. They were on their way to meet Mr. and Mrs. Wingrave to work as maids.

'You'll be fine, Josie.' Hannah assured, holding her hands. Jo nodded and looked out the window. Her eyes widened at the sight of Bly Manor.

The car drove up to the front of the house and Jo and Hannah thanked the driver as he drove off. A scrawny young lady came up to them with her hand out.

'You two must be Hannah and Josephine.' Mrs. Wingrave said, shaking both of their hands. 'It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Wingrave.' Jo smiled.

'You're pregnant?' Jo asked. 'Josephine!' Hannah scolded.

Charlotte laughed. 'It's alright. Yes I am pregnant with a beautiful girl.'

'Congratulations, Mrs. Wingrave.' The sisters said.

'Oh, enough with the formalities. Call me Charlotte.' Charlotte said. Jo looked behind Charlotte, and saw two young adults who seemed to be siblings. One boy and one girl.

'Oh!' Charlotte exclaimed. 'How could I forget?'

'This is Miles.' Charlotte said. Jo bent down to the young boy. 'Hi, Miles.' Jo smiled, shaking his hand.

'Nice to meet you.' Miles replied, kissing her hand. 'Oh. What a gentleman.' Jo said. 'I can tell we'll be great friends.' Miles smiled and ran back to his mom.

'This is Peter and Evelyn Quint.' Charlotte said, as they walked towards Jo and Hannah.

'Hi Josephine. I can tell we're going to be great friends.' Evelyn said. 'Oh please, call me Jo or Josie. I don't like being called Josephine.' Jo said. As Hannah and Charlotte talked, Jo felt the eyes of Peter staring at her.

'Peter!' Evelyn yelled, motioning him to walk to them. 'This is Josephine, but she likes being called Jo or Josie.' Evelyn explained.

'Hello, Jo.' Peter smirked, shaking her head. 'Hello, Peter.' Jo smiled. The two looked into each others eyes for some time, until Evelyn cleared her throat.

'Why don't we show you your room, okay?' Evelyn asked. 'Okay.' Jo nodded, trailing behind Evelyn.

'This place. . . is beautiful.' Jo gasped, walking into the manor. The three young adults walked through the halls of the manor until they reached a door.

'This is you room.' Evelyn said, opening the door. Jo stared at the room in shock. It was the prettiest room she had ever seen. There was a beautiful view of the garden from her window and paintings hung on the wall.

'Thank you.' Jo smiled. The two siblings smiled back. 'Let's give her some time to get settled.' Evelyn said, closing the door.

Jo laughed and flopped down on her bed. She already loved the manor and the people who lived in it. She started to unpack, unaware of the door slowly opening. She jumped as she heard someone knock on the door.

'Mind if I come in?' Peter asked. 'No, Not at all.' Jo said. Peter smiled and walked into her room.

'I wanted to give you this as a welcoming present.' Peter said. 'Kind of a last minute present.' He explained, as he held out a gold necklace with a J on it.

'This is gorgeous, Peter. Thank you.' Jo smiled, as she hugged him. 'Oh. . .' Peter trailed off, slowly hugging her back.

'Sorry. I like to hug people. Just a habit, I guess.' Jo laughed, awkwardly. Peter just waved her off.

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