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Cole looked confused "I'm not the main character?" Their voice finally rang out through the cave after they finished there character sheet. "Nuh uh bucko. You where the main character in your last life and how did you describe your adventure? Wasted, regretful.....and lackluster thus you lost the privilege of being the main character. Hell you're not even the villian here"

Cole felt a cold sweat drip down their back "then.....please dont tell me I'm a background character" "nah I'm not that cruel. You're what I'd like to call a side kick. Basically this world has a set number of hero's, and your job is to assist them in anyway possible....this also may include being a meat sheild at some point in the future. BUT! Don't worry if you do die saving the hero you get compensation" "like what another character sheet?" Lucia laughed "this isnt dnd buddy no you still die but you get a memorable death and maybe get a good burial"

Cole rolled their eyes "great basically im a servant and sacrifice for the greater good bullshit right?" Lucia stopped laughing "hey I'm not the one that felt regret for not accomplishing anything in my life am I? Be greatful you get a chance to actually do something"

Cole felt a little depressed though "but none of my friends are here or even my family....it's just as lonely" lucia snapped at them "It doesnt have to be though! You have the chance to make new friends and have close bonds with the main characters of the story! So dont go getting all hermity again and this world may be better then you expected"

Cole still felt a lump in their throat at being alone but sighed at the lucias explanation of what was going on, even though they knew a lot of intermigration and this was one of their dream worlds it was one of many and cole couldnt recall how many of those dreams were of midevil magik and fairy folk.

"So how do I find one of the main characters?" Cole felt helpless but has always had a go with the flow attitude. "You already did" lucia chimed, just as she did so the half ork started to wake up.

What cole Origanally thought was not bad looking actually turned out to be stunning, as the half ork opened his eyes soft hazel irises stared at Cole. His jawline was chiseled at just the right angles he didnt have that classic flat nose orks did but a nice bridged one.(Probably from his human parent" he had a slight scar running across his lower cheek but it was barely noticeable.

What was though was the iron cuff chain around his neck and the hard chaffed skin underneath. Coles heart sank as the ork stood he had no shirt a washboard six pack greeted coles eyes, more scars just as feignt lined multitudes along his chest to lower. His lioncloth barely covered him as cole got the fanservice They had wished for many times in other stories.

The atmosphere was awkward for cole. Meanwhile the half ork had no idea why the scrawny looking "male" was staring with "his" mouth agapped at him. Rubbing his jaw the half ork finally spoke "why did you save me"

Cole slapped their face to regain composure as lucia helped the plot along with a self interductory. "This is hemlock a half ork slave that was used in the silver mines of the kingdom westfall. As a half species yourself you took pity on him and helped him escape, taking a arrow to the back and falling down into a river hemlock decided to return the favor and save you.....he is our first hero. His goal?.......

Destroy the opressive nations and build a kingdom where all races will be free and equal"

cole almost felt the shock of such a quest make them lose conscoiusness again, to destroy a racism was one thing to create a kingdom free of it was anoth but to also destroy opressive nations?! What was hemlock the magneto of half breeds?! Cole felt that if this was their first hero life indeed was about to be more interesting as well as such a huge head ache.

Hemlock waited a while watching coles expressions turn from shock to calm to shock again and finally massaging their head. He figured cole must have been having memory issues do to falling in the river. He wasnt a genius for sure but he had long since been able to figure a lot out on his own. "Do you perhaphs have amnesia?" Hes seen it happen with some slaves that have had their heads hit to hard with the clubs of the slave drivers. He only learned of tbis term from a human slave after it happened.

Cole shook....then nodded their head "I....think so. I remember my name but nothing else" they figure this was a great excuse to learn more about the world and guilt trip hemlock into taking responsibility over them. It worked like a charm as hemlocks face turned soft with a hurt expression.

The person who saved them had almost lost their life and now because of hemlock, they had lost their memories. "I'm sorry....its my fault" he fell right for coles trap, feeling he had to protect this fragile looking "male" since he had admitted he was the cause of problem.

Cole could read him like an open book, it was easy since most of coles main characters had the one stat they called "the call of honor" stating that when they hurt some one that helped them or a comrade they would vow deep in their hearta to take care of them until they were better...

Lucia scolded Cole "wow what a great start to friendship" be quite I needed am excuse to be around him til we get to being "friends"

"Still kinda rude" lucia made one last comment.

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