Chapter 1: Trapped

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As his anger subsided, a terrified (Y/N) took a look around. He wondered where he really was. Unanswered questions popped into his head. "I don't know where the hell I am... How did all this happen? What should I do? What should I do?" he mumbled on, scared. Just then, a screen made of light appeared in front of his eyes. It was the guideline. Relieved that the inscription on it was in English, he read: "This is the world, Teyvat. You have reached this world as the 'chosen one'." (Y/N) blinked in disbelief. The screen now had a new message: "You have been chosen as a 'suitable person' for the guideline. The goal is to survive and grow in this world. I wish you all the best."

And just as it had appeared, the guidelines screen vanished into thin air, leaving a stunned (Y/N). He tried to make sense of everything that had happened so far. It felt surreal. The lightroom and everything that happened there, and now this. He had been abducted, moved across worlds at the desire of some, like a nameless pawn intended to please? Triggered by the thought of being helpless, he lifted a rock and chucked it afar. It wasn't enough. Infuriated, he picked up and threw every rock within reach, no matter the size, till he was out of breath—screaming at the top of his lungs: "You son of a bitch, take this!"

Panting, he sat down, trying to gather himself. His sense had now come back to him. "First," he thought, "I have to calm down. Nothing good will come out if I break down. Nothing will change." The guidelines were clear: survive and grow. Sounds like a plan. Only, where was he supposed to survive and grow? The blood-red sky was reflected on his face as he looked up in agony: "What is this place?" he muttered hopelessly...

* * *

Just as it occurred to him that sitting down was pointless, he realized he was in an entirely different outfit. This morning he had woken up in a T-shirt and athletic shorts, much like a graduate. Much to his surprise, he was in black tights and shirt, and even wore shoes. Even though he felt like a character out of a fantasy film, in a medieval European setting, he was quite comfortable in these clothes. For (Y/N)'s instincts, survival was key. Growth came with it. How much more of it did he need was unclear.

As if it interacted with him, the screen appeared yet again: "You can try to level up after acquiring experience points through various battles with powerful monsters. Follow the instructions in the guidelines to advance your skills."

"What bullshit are you talking about?" he yelled. "Am I stuck in a virtual reality game?" he asked again. "It is reality. The guideline system will adjust to suit the fitter." He paused. The voices from the lightroom echoed in his head: artificial match... it very much sounded like the same story. Survival... growth...level up? "So, if I have to level up, what is my standing now?" The indication on the screen was crystal clear:

「(Y/N)(L/N): Lv.1

Skill: none

Strength 21

Stamina 17

Vitality 13

Endurance 12

Sense 7

Agility 8」

He wondered whether this was high or low ranking. Could he take this as the level of an ordinary male? And what was Teyvat? He was full of questions. He had to know more. The only way to survive. But, no matter how much he enquired, the guidelines had gone silent. At last, a message appeared:

「You can get information about the target by using the 'Search' function in the guideline.」

A glance around him revealed more rocks, shrubs, and a few trees. Bare rocks with the red sky in the background. No answer as to why it was so, either. Aimlessly he started walking, feeling sorry for himself, wondering if his parents thought him missing. Past another slope, he noticed a small stream. Thirst overcame him as he faced the water. Surely it was normal to feel this way. He must have been several hours in this new world. Yet, was it safe to drink? "Drinkable. No upset stomach." The guideline proved to be useful. He gulped down as much water as he could with both hands. "Finally! Something good happening to me," he exclaimed contentedly.

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