Chapter 3

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<TheOddOne's POV>

I woke up in a kind of cellar, "where am i" i yelled the guy i reconised as Darius came in "Who are you and what are you doing in the Kingdom of Nexus" he yelled into my face "i remember playing some games when talon knocked on my door and then it became black" i answered "TALON!!!" he roared so high my ear-droms exploded.

<Lukz POV>

"so Lukz do you know anything to this" Loco asked "Wellllllll" i said "i kinda know why they're here" with a whisper voice "WWHHYY" all yelled "you see i come from a island called Runeterra" they jaw dropped i looked at Leena she looked so cute (LEENA IS THE MANAGER BTW) "and i am kinda the son of Quinn and Talon"

they were complete silence until Dyrus speaks up "wait so um everything is real in League of Legends like cho'gath" he asked "Yea but here's the cool part, the Summorners in 2012 decided to give the Pro Players a small bit of they favorite champ and then the lucky Faker gets a bit of all the champs like Wildturtle you can hit anything you can see, Santorin when you close your eyes you become a little like Lee Sin, Bjergsen you can control the sand, Dyrus you are an amazing fighter like Jax and Lustboy you can control water like Nami, and then me i am half of Quinn and Talon i can control knives and Valk is like Valor" i finish and they imediatly start try to use they powers and they master them pretty quickly.

<Bjergsens POV>

after Lukz finished telling his story i did not try out my powers i began wondering, i was thinking i had heard rumors of the void trying to capture Azir and i was a bit of Azir so i was frightened.

i walked up to Lukz "hi Lukz i was thinking because i have heard rumors of the Void trying to capture Azir well they try to make him become a void emporer so they can control the void and shurima is that true?" I asked "thats right i am sorry you need to be carefull"
And then everything disapearred
<Luks POV>
When i was done talking to Søren i saw something behind him "Søren look out" he disapearred instantly Vel'Koz took him Sp4zie was on his shoulders (yes sp4zie) "Sp4zie give him back now" i yelled "no we need him and you have seen to much" he said

Gonna leave it there on a cliffhanger sorry it has taken so long but school got alot worse so i havent been so much on wattpad and i have started a youtube channel so yea sorry
Seeya next time Lux Out

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2015 ⏰

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