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My heels clicked against the black and gold tiled floor, everyone's eyes on me. Just like how it's always been for the past four years. We're finally seniors and the guys still can't stop their drooling. One even tried to grope my butt while I was at my locker yesterday. Very mature, boys. Why can't they just realize Jordan and I are in love? Happily, if I do say so myself.

I was gathering a few books from my locker when I felt someone snake their hands around my waist and press their lips to my ear. "Guess who?" They whispered cheerily. Immediately, a smile formed across my mouth and I nibbled on my bottom lip.

"Jorda--" I said, turning around. Only to see Mitchell standing there, laughing his head off.

I smacked his chest and grumbled an annoyed, "Fuck you."

The irritating boy held his stomach and wiped a tear that spilled out of the corner of his eye, trying to calm himself down from the vigorous laughter. "Oh Jordan, you're so romantic." He said in a high pitched voice, attempting to sound like me. I shot him a stern glare and made my way to homeroom.

I fixed myself up a bit, straightening out my skirt and tank top, then took a deep breath. A lot of people I knew and were fond of were in that classroom and I wanted to look good for my friends. My boyfriend, Jordan, as well.

I waltzed in, noticing him instantly. He was sitting on a desk, feet supporting him on the chair. Ryan and Joe were sat next to to him in the surrounding seats. Jordan's hair whipped to the left and was covered by a grey cap. His green eyes soon landed on me and the smile on his face was priceless. How did I ever get so lucky?

My daydreaming was cut to a minimum when I bumped shoulders with a tall, scrawny boy. "Sorry," he mumbled. I rolled my eyes dramatically and ignored his entire presence, making my way to the back of the class with my friends.

Jordan had moved down to the actual chair and I took a seat on his lap, my arms loosely wrapped around his neck.

"Well, hello to you too, babe," he chuckled and kissed me softly.

The whole world around me faded, all that was left was Jordan and I. Our lips moved in sync and his hands slightly wandered my body. Jordan's tongue slowly grazed my bottom lip, but I pulled away denying him entry. My forehead connected with his and we looked into each other's eyes longingly. Moments like those were the ones that made me realize how immensely in love I am and why.

Our romantic moment was quickly ruined because of Ryan, "Get a room, you two." Why must people ruin everything for me?

I stood up from Jordan's lap and shot a glare towards Ryan. When I sat down into my own desk next to the boys, I noticed that there were strange drawings and sentences that covered every desk from the people that had sat in them during other periods. I couldn't say I've never written on desks before, but words could never describe how much I hated the sight of an unclean desk. Pieces of gum covered the bottom and everyone knew by now that your hand should never go near it.

The boys went back to their former conversation about the upcoming weekend, but I just decided to tune them out for now. My eyes wandered around the room, observing my surroundings when I saw the boy I had bumped into earlier. He was sat with two other brunette boys. One had slight scruff with messy hair while the other's was short and wavy, although I couldn't really see his face because his hand covered up most of it the entire damn time. I've never seen them around before, so I just assumed that they were probably freshmen or something.

My focus went back to the tall boy and damn, was he something. He really was skinny, his arms and legs looked like actual twigs. A lilac sweater covered him along with black skinny jeans, although they were still quite baggy on him due to his small size. A flower crown with white roses sat upon his head full of curly, brown hair and I was surprised he would even wear that outfit to school without being terrified of judgmental people. He caught me staring and I immediately whipped my head back to my group. What a great first impression, he probably thinks I'm some creep.

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