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The detention rooms are the most revolting rooms I have ever stepped in. There was gum stuck to desks, random stains on the walls, and the smell of smoke polluted the air. The people that hung out there didn't make it any better. The room was filled with all different people with all different styles. Varsity jackets, black eyeliner, braces, and more. I sat quietly in the back of the classroom with my headphones plugged into my ears the entire time, getting weird glares from some of the jocks every few seconds.

The teacher watching us, surprisingly, let us all out early, so I immediately shoved my earbuds into my pockets and dashed out of the room to find Will. I sent him a text a few minutes ago telling him where to meet me. I turned the corner and walked into the vacant room to see the beautiful British boy I had been seeing for the past two months standing there, waiting patiently.

"Hey," I smiled and lightly kissed his lips. He pulled back almost instantly and looked down at the ground. A confused look covered my face, "What's wrong, Will?"

"We can't keep doing this anymore, Jordan..." He said, looking up and into my eyes.

"What? Why?" I responded nervously.

"Have you broken up with Bee?" He asked me. So this is what he's going on about, I thought.

"Will I... I don't know yet..."

"I'm not your fucking experiment, Jordan!" Will shouted coldly, making me flinch.

I took his hand in mine, tracing circles on his palm with my thumb to calm him down, "I know, Will, I really do like you... I just need some more time, please."

"I think you've had enough time," he spat, jerking his hand away.

"Why're we even having this argument?" I blurted out suddenly, "I saw you getting all touchy feely with that quiet guy at lunch today! Where are your excuses?"

"Well first of all, that 'quiet guy' has a name, it's Zack. And that doesn't mean you can beat him up 'cause of it!" I bowed my head in shame, remembering this afternoon when I blew up. "Anyway, all I was doing was comforting him. His grandmother died, Jordan. Liam, Joe, and I are practically all he's got now."

A wave of sympathy washed over me. How could I have been such an asshole? "I was jealous... I'm sorry..." I mumbled, taking Will's hand again. This time he didn't pull it away. We stood like this for a couple of minutes until I leaned in and our lips crashed together. They molded so well that it was scary.

I heard someone walking into the room and almost instinctively, I shoved Will off of me and to the ground, not wanting anyone to know about my secret. Anyone.

"Get off me, you queer!" I shouted. It was almost as if the monster inside of me had been released.

His flower crown fell off his head and sat beside him, a couple of petals even fell off. The fear and pain that flashed in his eyes broke my heart into a million tiny pieces.

I shot him a look apologetically, then looked over to see Bee running away. My heart was screaming at me to help Will up and hug his fragile body. It was telling me to plead for his forgiveness, to walk out of that school with him and never look back. But my mind told me to run up to Bee and tell her a whole story about how Will jumped me or something, to keep my secret locked up tight for no one to know but me.

It seemed like my feet agreed with that plan as I was already rushing towards the petite girl. As I was running towards the main entrance, where Bee had went out of, I saw Zack and Joe out of the corner of my eye. The shyest boy in the school with the most rowdiest boy I've ever met. Weird match, huh?

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