a/n: disclaimer

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Some disclaimer you must know!

1: I do not own castlevania or the characters in this book!

2: I don't own the arts or fan arts from pinterest I use (gifs, y/n's clothes, etc.)

3: same as arts I don't own the music edits from YouTube either that I may use in this book.

That's it for disclaimer.

Pls keep in mind this is a fanfiction novel from an anime I finish watching but i am rewatching for this book so again i dont own what it says in the list, I dont own the anime or the characters in it

And keep in mind there well be swearing and gif of gore and sexual stuff in here etc.

So again you don't have to read this book if you are sensitive to all that and you can read my other books or something ok? (^^)

Anyways that's all I wanted to say and hope you are enjoying the book so far and also updates well be very slow for books I have already so I ask you to pls be  patient and wait until I have update, coz sometimes I wont always be on this app or I'm reading someone else novels and books or reading irl books I buy from a book store or I might be busy etc. So again that's all and I ask you to pls wait for updates in my books pls

Happy Halloween guys! (^^)

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