chapter four

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Y/n's pov:

As we look walk down to the black coven we all saw trevor step on something, both me and sypha look at him and frown a bit "I didn't do that." He said defensively

Then the three of us look and saw the coven open up as the lit falls off and sees a beautiful long blonde hair male floats above it slowly 'can that be..-'

Sypha talks while y/n thinks seeing him flinch or jolt a bit and he asks both me and trevor who we are and adds to his question "are you both looking for a  Mystikal  savior as well?" He asks us I was about to say something but trevor said "we both fell down a hole with this young speaker of a lady" while grinning a bit.

I sigh and shook my head as sypha tells the male what is going on and that as I look at him 'he is quiet handsome..but for how many years this story as been going on I'm going to guess that he is a-'

"I know what you are" trevor said cutting my thoughts short "trevor.." I look at him "so what am I?" The male asks and I look at him and gasp as I saw fangs "your a vampire" trevor said and I got my sword out as he lifts his head up showing them now to the three of us hearing sypha gasp a bit

Trevor than asks "so have we come down here to wake up the man to kill Dracula or-" he glares at him as I held my weapon up "to wake up Dracula himself?" He kept his glare as I hold my weapon up

And I see he now floats down to the ground "you call and think I'm Dracula?" He asks seeing his gold orbs of his eyes which were beautiful matching his long beautiful gold blond hair.

"I'll call you whatever I like unless you show me your teeth." Trevor said to him a hit rudely, he looks at me and sypha now "she call you Belmont and the one in the middle call you trevor so. Your a hunter am I right?"

"I'm trevor Belmont, house of Belmonts and the last of the Belmonts" he said to him in a rude way as he takes out his short sword, both sypha and I try to talk him out of fighting him but he didnt listen

And so a fight broke loose making both sypha and I sigh, though sypha still try to talk him out of it while i just stay quiet and watch

I look around while the fighting was happening and he was right, this is place is still in good shape "y/n! we have to stop Belmont!" sypha said "they'll stop soon. Besides Trevor wont listen to me unless it involves alcohol." i said to her

I soon stop looking around the dungeon we were in and goes back to watcing to the fight soon seeing Trevor knee the vampire's crotch "this isnt a bar fight Trevor" i said sighing "she's right-nnhgk!?" i saw him headbutt him next

Reader pov:

the fight continued 'he has good commbat skills along with sword skills as far he hasn't use anything besides his sword.' y/n thinks to herself

She stood besides sypha while watcing the two males fight

Soon the vampire male punch Trevor in the face once he got a new scar on his chest where the other one is, as Trevor slowly sits up grunting in pain a bit the vampire soon walks up to him grabing half of fist of his hair leaning forwords while tilting his head back exposing his neck

"do you have a god to put a last prayer to, Belmont ?" he ask him while hearing a grunt from him as he now smirks "yeah. Dear god, please dont let the vampire's guts ruin my good tunic" Trevor said "what?" was all the male vampire said

Then suddenly grunts a bit in pain as Trevor had stab him in the chest he frowns while Trevor smirks still "i can still rip your throat out." he said to him

they both look at each other dead in the eyes, y/n sighs having enough to see this pathetic scene slowly making her way to the vampire pulling out her sword once she was close enough she brought it up and swings it down

But the male cuaght it and swings her down beside Trevor earning a grunt as he now wraps his larg hand around her neck

She growls at him and glares up at him "asshole." was all she said and dig her nails into his arm, soon sypha show up behind him having her fire magic appears between her pinky and index finger "i well incinerate you before your fangs can touch their necks." she said to him

While still pinning down y/n and Trevor he look behind him as he spoke to her "i thought i was your savior" "so did i. But they both save my life" sypha said to him

They both talk a little bit before y/n got tired of  this and kick the male in the neck making him loosen his grip around her neck forcefully throwing his hand and arm away from her growling still grabbing her sword pointing it near his throat

The male sighs and lets go of Trevor backing away, he spoke who was as he stood up 'alucard..?' y/n look at him as  she helps Trevor up on his feet " your son of that bitch..great~" y/n said the last part sarcastically looking away putting her sword back (idk what its call, a hlit?)

"you touch me again tepes, i well cut off your head and  shove it up your ass" y/n said coldly and serously

she goes a bit  far away as he spoke to Trevor and sypha.

Trevos says "--i hate speakers." he than look at y/n and goes over to her placing an arm around her shoulders, she looks at him and sighs knowing she'll have to deal with alucard and travel with him "just keep him away from me, i dont want to smell lonely and pathetic as him" she said coldly

He nods and stands close to her as he grabs his whip "my father has to die." alucard said and look at the them "we four can defet him." he said

The four of them walk out of the dungeon where he was asleep.

(And thats where ill end it, sorry this took so long for me to do.)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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