Tutorial Mode

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Glitch Tech training turns out to be a bore. But Miko, Jodi, Aina and High Five's attempt to inject some fun into their session ends with gross consequences.


The scene began with the sight of a Chomp Kitty game screen that was lit up like the other games. Then a voice popped up with a serious tone.

"Have you ever seen what really happens inside a video game
when it starts to glitch?"

There was deep insider of container on small platform that said, Hinobi, began to glitch a luminous lime. The glitch smashed a hole in the container, and it's unpredictable movements gave form to the Chomp Kitty itself. The kitty gave a mighty roar as it emerged out of the game and began terrorizing the arcade.

"Chomp Kitty was a glitch
from a game that was totally out of order," Miko spoke, as the Chomp Kitty threw up and chomped a videogame whole.

"so we had to pull the plug."

With that, someone put their foot down and the kitty look up with a surprise look.

It turned out to be Five in a cool, dream-like Glitch Techs Suit with his arms crossed, his hairdo combed out to the front, a cape flowing majestically with his eyes staring determinedly at the glitch.

Miko sat behind him with a cool, dream-like Glitch Techs Suit of her own and her hair all evened out and  flowing majestically.

"I told him, "You picked the wrong
ball of yarn to toy with, Kitty!" Five emphasized with a striking pose, as a gold background shined behind him.

"I don't remember you saying that."

"I would have if I had thought to."

The Chomp Kitty licked it's lips at their prey, ready to pounce.

Miko decided to take action and move her legs upward to push herself forward of the console. "But I do remember us
blasting it to plixel dust," she landed in a summersault and got on her feet to point her guantlet towards the kitty.

"because when video games glitch..."

"Us Glitch Techs scratch the itch!" Five finished, posing with his partner.

The Chomp Kitty lifted up one paw to stomp on the two teens when they blasted a gigantic hole through its chest.


The blast went through the roof and made a bunch of people stare at the huge light.

The glitch went back to it's root size and the Chomp Kitty dazed out with a small meow. The glitch, however, struggled to move on the ground, and was sucked in by Five's guantlet. The glitch was successfully contained by the pink briefcase icon with a happy face appeared on the tech.

"Glitch contained. Expert Level! Double XP!"

Both techs struck a pose, Miko stepping on a console and Five flexing with heroic looks on their faces as the crowd cheered.

In real time, the two teenagers were wearing their regular work uniforms. Turns out they told their story to an old hindu woman infront of the cash register.

"All I asked if you sold rechargeable batteries." The woman told them.

Miko and Five stopped posing and mexican teen chuckled nervously. 'Uh, I think so...it's out first day." He admitted.

Jodi leaned over the counter with her right brow rosed. "Did you seriously tell an old woman out secret job?" She whispered with a smirk.

"It was an accident!" Five whispered. "We were just caught up in the moment that's all."

(Pending Rewrite) Glitch Techs: MultiplayerWhere stories live. Discover now